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Report number E1-95-506 ; JINR-E1-95-506
Title One spin pion asymmetry in d$\uparrow$ + A --> $\pi^{\pm}$ + X processes near $\vartheta_{\pi}$=90$^0$

Averichev, G S ; Agakichiev, G ; Borzunov, Yu T ; Efimov, L G ; Ghiordanescu, N ; Golovanov, L B ; Guseinaliev, Y G ; Minaev, Yu I ; Moroz, N S ; Nikiforov, S A ; Panebratsev, Yu A ; Potrebenikova, E V ; Pentia, M ; Razin, S V ; Saveljic, N ; Skoro, G P ; Shahaliev, E I ; Shimansky, S S ; Suleimanov, M K ; Tokarev, M V ; Tsvetkov, I O ; Trofimov, N N ; Yurevich, V I ; Zborovský, I ; Zvinev, A P

Publication 1995
Imprint Dec 1995
Number of pages 20
Published in: Yad. Fiz.
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Keywords pi+ ; pi-
Other source Inspire


 Registro creado el 1996-05-08, última modificación el 2015-05-20

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