A very forward calorimeter for the LHC : experimental results(p. 40) |
by Artamonov, S A |
Calibration and performance of the CHORUS calorimeter (p. 45) |
by Buontempo, S |
Performance of silica aerogel threshold Cerenkov counters (p. 51) |
by Eigen, G |
Test beam results of a cerium fluoride crystal matrix (p. 57) |
by Auffray, Etiennette |
A silicon pad shower maximum detector for a "SHASHLIK" calorimeter (p. 74) |
by Alvsvaag, S J |
Enhanced shower formation in aligned thick germanium crystals and discrimination against charged hadrons (p. 79) |
by Baurichter, A |
The ATLAS tile calorimeter project (p. 82) |
by Henriques, A |
An RFQ calibration system for L3 BGO calorimeter (p. 109) |
by Zhu, R Y |
The Small Angle Tile Calorimeter project in DELPHI (p. 116) |
by Alvsvaag, S J |
Lead/scintillating fibre ("spaghetti") calorimetry (p. 122) |
by DeSalvo, R |
Completion of the L3 e.m. calorimeter with a lead-scintillating fibers "spaghetti" calorimeter (p. 132) |
by Basti, G |
Liquid krypton calorimetry for the CP violation experiment NA48 (p. 145) |
by Martini, M |
Quartz fibers : a new calorimetry for multi-TeV, very forward physics(p. 168) |
by Anzivino, Giuseppina |
Resistive plate chambers working at high rate (p. 218) |
by Abbrescia, M |
Parallel plate chambers and their possible use in LHC experiments (p. 222) |
by Arefev, A |
The Fabry-Perot interferometer for the DELPHI ring imaging Cherenkov detector (p. 246) |
by Fokitis, E |
A straw transition radiation tracker for the LHC (p. 258) |
by Fuchs, W |
Design of a large area fast RICH detector with CsI photocathode for particle identification at ALICE-LHC (p. 261) |
by Nappi, E |
Results from the MSGC tracker at SMC (p. 268) |
by Ballintijn, M K |
A silicon tracker for the antimatter spectrometer on the International Space Station ALPHA (p. 274) |
by Battiston, R |
The DELPHI microvertex detector with double sided readout (p. 282) |
by Troncon, C |
Measurement of spatial resolution and charge collection in double sided double metal silicon microstrip detectors (p. 287) |
by Troncon, C |
The design of silicon ministrip detectors for the DELPHI very forward tracker (p. 292) |
by Cindro, V |
1994 running experience with the L3 Silicon Microvertex Detector (p. 296) |
by Acciarri, M |
Development of the silicon multiply detector for the NA50 experiment at CERN (p. 303) |
by Alessandro, B |
A new position sensitive photo-detector : the ISPA-tube(p. 320) |
by D'Ambrosio, C |
Scintillating fibre detectors using position-sensitive photomultipliers (p. 323) |
by Agoritsas, V |
Cosmic ray test results of the D0 prototype scintillating fiber tracker (p. 332) |
by Adams, D |
Secondary emission gaseous detectors : a new class of radiation imaging devices(p. 351) |
by Breskin, Amos |
A proposal for a hadron-blind fast TRD based on secondary electron emission (p. 364) |
by Chechik, R |
Test results of GaAs strip detectors in high energy particle beams (p. 386) |
by Braunschweig, W |
Charge collection efficiencies and reverse current densities of GaAs detectors (p. 391) |
by Braunschweig, W |
Screen printing and chip flipping techniques for large area hybrid pixel bonding (p. 409) |
by Bonvicini, V |
Performance of the RPC trigger system of the L3 forward-backward muon spectrometer (p. 417) |
by Aloisio, A |
Trigger for the WA92 fixed-target beauty experiment (p. 435) |
by Adamovich, M I |
The upgrade of the L3 third level trigger for high luminosity runs at LEP (p. 448) |
by Bracci, S |
The new forward muon detector of L3 : features and implementations(p. 455) |
by Becker, U |
Radiation damage studies of n-side silicon microstrip detectors (p. 475) |
by Gill, K |
The self-annealing effect on neutron-irradiated silicon detectors investigated using TSC analysis (p. 488) |
by Biggeri, U |
Fluence and dosimetric measurements for a $\pi^{\pm}$ irradiation facility (p. 503) |
by Furetta, C |
Pion-induced damage in silicon detectors (p. 510) |
by Bates, S |
Damage induced by pions in silicon detectors (p. 510) |
by Bates, S |
Investigations on damage of GaAs detectors caused by neutrons (peak energy 1 MeV) and $^{60}$Co photons (p. 528) |
by Kubicki, T |
Effects of irradiation on the noise and DC performance of transistors and preamplifiers based on GaAs technology (p. 536) |
by Karpinski, W |
Ageing studies with microstrip gas chambers (p. 557) |
by Bouclier, Roger |
Analog pipeline readout for ATLAS calorimetry (p. 587) |
by Pinfold, James L |
Radiation damage investigation for the design of a hardened fast bipolar monolithic charge sensitive preamplifier (p. 621) |
by Baschirotto, A |
Effects on the resistivity and Hall coefficient of neutron irradiated silicon |
by Biggeri, U |