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Report number PSI-PR-95-27
Title Contribution of initial state interactions to the three-nucleon absorption of pions by $^{3}$He

Backenstoss, Gerhard ; Bosnar, D ; Breuer, H ; Döbbeling, H ; Dooling, T ; Furic, M ; Gram, P A M ; Gregory, N K ; Hoffart, A ; Ingram, C H Q ; Klein, A ; Koch, K ; Köhler, J ; Kotlínski, B ; Kroedel, M ; Kyle, G S ; Lehmann, A ; Mateos, A O ; Michaelian, K ; Petkovic, T ; Redwine, R P ; Rowntree, D ; Sennhauser, U ; Simicevic, N ; Trezeciak, R ; Ullrich, H M ; Wang, M ; Wang, M H ; Weyer, H J ; Wildi, M ; Wilson, K E

Publication 1995
Imprint Dec 1995
Number of pages 18
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Other source Inspire


 レコード 生成: 1996-01-26, 最終変更: 2016-06-30

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