CERN Accelerating science

: : The multiplicity distributions (\Nch) from (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear and (b) \pPb collisions. The \Nch range utilized in this paper, $15 \leq \Nch \leq 60$, is highlighted.
: The invariant-mass distributions of (a) \ks, (b) \lmda, and (c) \csd in \PbPb photo-nuclear collisions. The data are fitted to a signal (double Gaussian) and a background component (detailed in the text). The signal counts, and fit parameters for the mean $\mu$ and widths $\sigma_1$ and $\sigma_2$ of the double Gaussian are also shown in units of \MeV. : Caption not extracted
: The reconstruction efficiencies of (a) \ks, (b) \lmda, and (c) \csd as a function of $\pt^{\mathrm{truth}}$ in intervals of $\y^{\mathrm{truth}}$ as determined using \dpmjet. The efficiencies are fitted using polynomial functions for \ks and \lmda. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines. : Caption not extracted
: : The \ks yields as a function of \pt in different \y selections in (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear and (b) \pPb collisions. The bottom panels show the ratio of the Modified Hagedorn fit results to the data. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes.
: : The \lmda yields as a function of \pt in different \y selections in (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear and (b) \pPb collisions. The bottom panels show the ratio of the Modified Hagedorn fit results to the data. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes.
: : The relative systematic uncertainties in (a) charged hadrons, (b) \ks, (c) \lmda, and (d) \csd yields in photo-nuclear collisions as a function of \pt. All uncertainty contributions are added in quadrature and the result is symmetrized to obtain the full systematic uncertainty.
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: : The relative systematic uncertainties in (a) charged hadrons, (b) \ks, (c) \lmda, and (d) \csd yields in photo-nuclear collisions as a function of (pseudo) rapidity. The yield of \ks is measured down to \pT~=~0~\GeV. For charged hadrons, \lmda and \csd, the measured yield is extrapolated to \pT = 0~\GeV. All uncertainty contributions are added in quadrature and the result is symmetrized to obtain the full systematic uncertainty.
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: : The charged-hadron yields as a function of \pt in six $\eta$ selections for (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear and (b) \pPb collisions. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes.
: : The (a) \ks, (b) \lmda, and (c) \csd yields are shown as a function of \pt in six \y selections in \PbPb photo-nuclear collisions. The (d) \ks, (e) \lmda, and (f) \csd yields are shown as a function of \pt in six \y selections in \pPb collisions. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes.
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: Caption not extracted
: : The charged-hadron yields as a function of $\eta$ and the \ks, \lmda, and \csd yields as a function of \y for (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear and (b) \pPb collisions. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes.
: : The $\left< \pt \right>$ for charged hadrons, \ks, and \lmda in (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear and (b) \pPb collisions as a function of \Nch. The left (right) panels are for a backward (forward) rapidity interval. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes.
: : The ratio of \lmda/\ks and \csd/\ks yields as a function of \pt in two rapidity intervals for (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear and (b) \pPb collisions. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes.
: : The ratios of identified-strange-hadron yields to charged-hadron yields as a function of \Nch for (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear collisions and (b) \pPb collisions. The left (right) panels are for a backward (forward) rapidity interval. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes.
: : The charged-hadron yields as a function of $\eta$ and the \ks, \lmda, and \csd yields as a function of \y for (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear collisions, with comparisons to the MC model \dpmjet, and (b) \pPb collisions, with comparisons to \hijing. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes. The statistical uncertainties in the MC simulations are represented by colored bands, though they are negligible.
: : The charged-hadron yields as a function of $\eta$ and the \ks, \lmda, and \csd yields as a function of \y for (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear collisions and (b) \pPb collisions. Both are compared to the hybrid model calculations. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes. The statistical uncertainties of the model calculations are shown by colored bands.
: : The \meanpt for charged hadrons, \ks, and \lmda in (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear and (b) \pPb collisions as a function of \Nch. The left (right) panels are for a backward (forward) rapidity selection. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes. Also shown are comparisons to the MC model \dpmjet and \hijing for \PbPb photo-nuclear and \pPb collisions, respectively, with the shaded bands indicating the statistical uncertainties.
: : The \meanpt for charged hadrons, \ks, and \lmda in (a) \PbPb photo-nuclear and (b) \pPb collisions as a function of \Nch. The left (right) panels are for a backward (forward) rapidity selection. Statistical uncertainties are shown as vertical lines and systematic uncertainties are shown as colored boxes. Also shown are comparisons to the hybrid hydrodynamic model for both collision types.