მთავარი > LHCb Collection > LHCb Preprints > Determination of $\gamma$ including BESIII inputs |
Article | |
Title | Determination of $\gamma$ including BESIII inputs |
Author(s) | Resmi, P K (Oxford U.) |
Collaboration | LHCb Collaboration |
Publication | 2024 |
Number of pages | 10 |
In: | PoS HQL2023 (2024) 10 |
In: | 16th International Conference on Heavy Quarks and leptons, Mumbai, India, 28 Nov - 2 Dec 2023, pp.063 |
DOI | 10.22323/1.462.0063 |
Subject category | Particle Physics - Experiment |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LHC ; LHCb |
Abstract | A precise measurement of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa unitarity triangle angle $\gamma$ is crucial for testing the Standard Model description of $CP$ violation and probing for new physics effects. The precision can be improved by exploring new $B$ and $D$ decay modes. Measurements of $\gamma$ are statistically limited and hence obtaining $D$ decay parameters from $B$ decay data leads to further loss in precision. So, external inputs are crucial, especially in multibody $D$ decays. They are measured at BESIII due to the lack of quantum correlated $D$ meson data at the $B$ decayexperiments. $\gamma$ measurements at LHCb and Belle(II) which include the $D$ decay input from BESIII are presented. |
Copyright/License | CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0 |