| Left: summary of $K^{+}\rightarrow\pi^{+}\nu\bar{\nu}$ branching ratio measurements from the BNL E787 and E949 experiments~\cite{BNL-E949:2009dza}, and the NA62 experiment using the 2016--2018~\cite{PnnRun1Paper}, 2021--2022 (equation~\ref{eqn:BR2122}) and 2016--2022 (equation~\ref{eqn:BR1622}) data. Statistical and total uncertainties are shown by thinner and thicker vertical bars, respectively. These are compared to the two recent SM predictions~\cite{Buras:2022wpw,DAmbrosio:2022kvb}. Right: global status of the $K\rightarrow\pi\nu\bar{\nu}$ decay modes, showing the most stringent $\mathcal{B}(K_{L}\rightarrow\pi^{0}\nu\bar{\nu})$ upper limit~\cite{KOTO:2024zbl}, the Grossman-Nir bound~\cite{Grossman:1997sk,PDG}, the two recent SM predictions~\cite{Buras:2022wpw,DAmbrosio:2022kvb}, and the $\mathcal{B}(K^{+}\rightarrow\pi^{+}\nu\bar{\nu})$ result from the combined 2016--2022 NA62 dataset (the $1\,\sigma$ and $2\,\sigma$ ranges are displayed in darker and lighter shaded areas, respectively). |