author = "Rossi, Adriana and Accettura, Carlotta and Andreazza,
William and Bollazzi, Alessio and Cenede, Jean and Chritin,
Nicolas and Coutron, Yannick and Ferreira Somoza, Jose and
Frassier, Alexandre and Gamba, Davide and Jørgensen, Lars
and Khatri, Ghanshyambhai and Machado, Christophe and
Marqversen, Ole and Pikin, Alexander and Ponce, Laurette
and Sameed, Muhammed and Sequeiro, Cristina and Sinturel,
Alexandre and Thurel, Yves and Todorcevic, Todor and
Tranquille, Gerard and von Freeden, Luke",
title = "{Specifications and Status of the New Electron Cooler for
the CERN Antiproton Decelerator (AD)}",
journal = "JACoW COOL",
volume = "2023",
pages = "5-10",
year = "2024",
url = "http://cds.cern.ch/record/2913179",
doi = "10.18429/JACoW-COOL2023-MOPPM1R3",