CERN Accelerating science

Sketch of the particles associated with a jet and the corresponding energy depositions in the calorimeter. The colors represent the energy depositions of the various particle types. In the deconvolution method, the energy depositions are corrected and smeared to obtain the data-to-MC jet energy correction from calorimeter response measurements to single particles.
: : Data-to-MC jet response shift for (a) gluon-induced and (b) quark-induced jets. The total correction and the individual shifts due to the $e/\gamma$ correction, the single-hadron response measurement at low-\pt{} and the single-pion response at high-\pt{} are shown. The horizontal dark blue line indicates no correction. Fractional jet energy scale uncertainty derived from the \EoP{} measurements as a function of the jet \pt{} for (c) gluon-induced and (d) quark-induced jets. The individual systematic uncertainties and the resulting total uncertainty are shown.
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Data-to-MC \JES{} response ratio derived from the \pt-balance based \insitu{} methods and the one from the single-particle response measurements (\EoP) as a function of the jet \pt. The quark/gluon fractions as expected in the $Z$+jet process are used. The bands indicate the statistical and total uncertainties.
: Combination of the \insitu{} \EoP{} and \pt-balance ($\gamma+{\rm jet}$ and $Z+{\rm jet}$)~\cite{ATLAS:2023tyv} results for the \EMTopo{} jet collection. (a) Data-to-MC jet response ratio as a function of the jet \pt. The points indicate the various measurements with their statistical (inner bars) and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature (outer bars). The line indicates the nominal combination result, while bands indicate its statistical (inner bands) and total uncertainty (outer band) respectively. (b) The relative weights of the various input measurements used in the combination and (c) the $\sqrt{ \chi^2/{\rm Ndof} }$ as a function of the jet \pt. : Caption not extracted
: Combination of the \insitu{} \EoP{} and \pt-balance ($\gamma+{\rm jet}$ and $Z+{\rm jet}$)~\cite{ATLAS:2023tyv} results for the \PFlow{} jet collection. (a) Data to MC jet response ratio as a function of the jet \pt. The points indicate the various measurements with their statistical (inner bars) and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature (outer bars). The line indicates the nominal combination result, while bands indicate its statistical (inner bands) and total uncertainty (outer band) respectively. (b) The relative weights of the various input measurements used in the combination and (c) the $\sqrt{ \chi^2/{\rm Ndof} }$ as a function of the jet \pt. : Caption not extracted
: : (a) Fractional \JES{} uncertainty in the data-to-MC response ratio from the \insitu{} calibration using the new (solid) and the previously recommended \JES{} uncertainty \cite{JETM-2018-05} (dashed) for \EMTopo{} jets as a function of the jet \pt. (b) Total fractional \JES{} for \PFlow{} jets in the most central pseudo-rapidity region as a function of the jet \pt. In addition to the \JES{} from the \insitu{} calibration (red dashed line) the additional uncertainties due to the pile-up (grey dot-dashed line) and the jet flavour components added in quadrature (green dashed line) are shown. The blue area shows the quadrature sum of all the uncertainties. For comparison the uncertainties as previously recommended for physics analysis are also given: \insitu{} calibration (red dotted line), flavour components (green dotted line) and total (solid grey line).
: : (a) Data-to-MC \JES{} response ratio derived from the single-particle response measurements for jets with $\Rjet = 0.2$ and $\Rjet = 1.0$ normalised to the one of jets with $\Rjet = 0.4$ as a function of the jet \pt. The horizontal line at unity is drawn for better visibility. (b) Data-to-MC \JES{} response ratio for jets with $\pt = 32$~\GeV{} and $\pt = 1008$~\GeV{} as a function of the jet radius. The error bars respresent the quadrature sum of all the individual uncertainties. The flavour composition as in the inclusive dijet MC simulation is used.
: : Data-to-MC jet response correction derived from the \EoP{} measurements as a function of the jet \pt{} with (a) $\Rjet = 0.2$ and (b) $\Rjet = 1.0$. Shown are the total correction together with the individual shifts due to the $e/\gamma$ correction, the single-hadron response measurement at low-\pt{} and the single-pion response from $\tau$-lepton decays at high-\pt. The horizontal black line indicates no correction. Fractional \JES{} uncertainty derived from the \EoP{} measurements as a function of the jet \pt{} for jets with (c) $\Rjet = 0.2$ and with (d) $\Rjet = 1.0$. The uncertainties are merged in classes for better visibility. The flavour composition as in the inclusive dijet MC simulation is used.
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