CERN Accelerating science

Initial geometries in the temperature unit with different nuclear thickness parameters in the \trento model for central and peripheral heavy-ion collisions.
Initial geometries in the temperature unit with different nuclear thickness parameters in the \trento model for central and peripheral heavy-ion collisions.
Initial geometries in the temperature unit with different nuclear thickness parameters in the \trento model for central and peripheral heavy-ion collisions.
Initial geometries in the temperature unit with different nuclear thickness parameters in the \trento model for central and peripheral heavy-ion collisions.
Initial geometries in the temperature unit with different nuclear thickness parameters in the \trento model for central and peripheral heavy-ion collisions.
Initial geometries in the temperature unit with different nuclear thickness parameters in the \trento model for central and peripheral heavy-ion collisions.
Initial geometries in the temperature unit with different nuclear thickness parameters in the \trento model for central and peripheral heavy-ion collisions.
Initial geometries in the temperature unit with different nuclear thickness parameters in the \trento model for central and peripheral heavy-ion collisions.
The mean transverse area ($\langle S_T \rangle$) as a function of the number of participants in Pb--Pb collisions and Au--Au collisions for different thickness parameters.
The mean transverse area ($\langle S_T \rangle$) as a function of the number of participants in Pb--Pb collisions and Au--Au collisions for different thickness parameters.
The scaled charged particle multiplicity as a function of the number of participants in Au--Au collisions at $\sqsn=200$~GeV and Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqsn=5.02$~TeV.
Elliptic flow of charged particles in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqsn=$~5.02~TeV and Au--Au collisions at $\sqsn=$~200~GeV from the simulation and experimental measurements~\cite{ALICE:2018rtz,PHENIX:2009cjr}. The left (right) panels show the results in central (semi-central) collisions.
Elliptic flow of charged particles in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqsn=$~5.02~TeV and Au--Au collisions at $\sqsn=$~200~GeV from the simulation and experimental measurements~\cite{ALICE:2018rtz,PHENIX:2009cjr}. The left (right) panels show the results in central (semi-central) collisions.
Elliptic flow of charged particles in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqsn=$~5.02~TeV and Au--Au collisions at $\sqsn=$~200~GeV from the simulation and experimental measurements~\cite{ALICE:2018rtz,PHENIX:2009cjr}. The left (right) panels show the results in central (semi-central) collisions.
Elliptic flow of charged particles in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqsn=$~5.02~TeV and Au--Au collisions at $\sqsn=$~200~GeV from the simulation and experimental measurements~\cite{ALICE:2018rtz,PHENIX:2009cjr}. The left (right) panels show the results in central (semi-central) collisions.
The nuclear modification factors of \Ups n in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqsn=$~5.02~TeV. Simulation results using two $p$ parameters in the \trento model are compared with the experimental results by CMS~\cite{CMS:2018zza,CMS:2023lfu}. Statistical and systematic uncertainties of the experimental results are represented as vertical lines and boxes, respectively.
The nuclear modification factors of \Ups n in Au--Au collisions at $\sqsn=$~200~GeV. Simulation results using two $p$ parameters in the \trento model compared with the experimental results by STAR~\cite{STAR:2022rpk}. Statistical and systematic uncertainties of the experimental results are represented as vertical lines and boxes, respectively.
The nuclear modification factor of \Ups n as a function of the number of participants in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqsn=5.02$~TeV with various formation times.
The nuclear modification factor of \Ups n as a function of the number of participants in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqsn=5.02$~TeV with various formation times.
The nuclear modification factor of \Ups n as a function of the number of participants in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqsn=5.02$~TeV with various formation times.
The nuclear modification factor of \Ups n as a function of the number of participants in Au--Au collisions at $\sqsn=200$~GeV with various formation times.
The nuclear modification factor of \Ups n as a function of the number of participants in Au--Au collisions at $\sqsn=200$~GeV with various formation times.
The nuclear modification factor for given nuclear absorption cross-section (\sigabs) as a function of the number of participants in Au--Au collisions.
The nuclear modification factor of \Ups 1 as a function of participants in Au--Au collisions at $\sqsn=200$ GeV, including the nuclear absorption effect.
The nuclear modification factor of \Ups 2 as a function of participants in Au--Au collisions at $\sqsn=200$ GeV, including the nuclear absorption effect.