| Contribution of spatial currents to $\bar{X}_{AA}^{\perp, \parallel}(\pmb{q}^2)$ at $\pmb{q}^2 = \SI{0}{\giga\electronvolt^2}$. We show the results for two choices of the volume $L=48^3$ and $256^3$. The left panel assumes that the cut-off in the kernel function is implemented through a heaviside function, while the left panel assumes the smeared kernel. For the latter, we also compare the results with those obtained from the Chebyshev analysis of our lattice data evaluated for different choices of the threshold $\omega_{\text{th}}$ represented by the blue dots. The physical value of the threshold $\omega_{\text{th}} = \omega_{\text{th}}^{\text{Phys}}$ is denoted by the star symbol. |