CERN Accelerating science

      author        = "Serafim, Catarina and Peacock, R. and Calatroni, S. and
                       Djurabekova, F. and Perez Fontenla, A.T. and Wuensch, W.
                       and Sgobba, S. and Grudiev, A. and Lombardi, A. and
                       Sargsyan, E. and Ramberger, S. and Bellodi, G.",
      title         = "{Investigation on different materials after pulsed high
                       field conditioning and low-energy H- irradiation}",
      archivePrefix = "arXiv",
      eprint        = "2410.00084",
      journal       = "Front. Phys.",
      volume        = "12",
      pages         = "1308455",
      year          = "2024",
      url           = "",
      doi           = "10.3389/fphy.2024.1308455",