CERN Accelerating science

      author        = "Udrescu, S M and Wilkins, S G and Breier, A A and
                       Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M and Ruiz, R F  Garcia and Au, M
                       and Belošević, I and Berger, R and Bissell, M L and
                       Binnersley, C L and Brinson, A J and Chrysalidis, K and
                       Cocolios, T E and de Groote, R P and Dorne, A and Flanagan,
                       K T and Franchoo, S and Gaul, K and Geldhof, S and Giesen,
                       T F and Hanstorp, D and Heinke, R and Koszorús, Á and
                       Kujanpää, S and Lalanne, L and Neyens, G and Nichols, M
                       and Perrett, H A and Reilly, J R and Rothe, S and van den
                       Borne, B and Vernon, A R and Wang, Q and Wessolek, J and
                       Yang, X F and Zülch, C",
      title         = "{Precision spectroscopy and laser-cooling scheme of a
                       radium-containing molecule}",
      journal       = "Nature Phys.",
      volume        = "20",
      number        = "2",
      pages         = "202-207",
      year          = "2024",
      url           = "",
      doi           = "10.1038/s41567-023-02296-w",