| (Color online) Collision energy dependence of mean multiplicity of \Kshort mesons produced in \textit{p+p} interactions. The measurements from \NASixtyOne are shown with colored symbols as follows: blue full triangle up for $p_{beam}=31$~\GeVc, green full triangle down for $p_{beam}=40$~\GeVc, orange full square for $p_{beam}=80$~\GeVc and red full circle for $p_{beam}=158$~\GeVc~\cite{NA61SHINE:2021iay}. The results published by other experiments are shown by the grey open circles~\cite{PhysRev.123.1465, Alexander:1967zz, Firebaugh:1968rq, Blobel:1973jc, Fesefeldt:1979, Bogolyubsky:1988ei, Ammosov:1975bt, AstonGarnjost:1975im, Chapman:1973fn, Brick:1980vj, Jaeger1974pk, Sheng1976, Lopinto:1980ct, EHS-RCBC:1984bxo, Kass:1979nf, Kichimi:1979te}. Statistical uncertainties are smaller than the marker size, while shaded boxes indicate systematic uncertainties. |