| : : Percentage overlaps in the models excluded by each search and constraint. For the diagonal entries, the number shows the percentage of all considered models excluded by that search/constraint. For each off-diagonal square, the number and bin colour indicates the percentage of the models excluded by the result on the $y$~axis that were also excluded by the result on the $x$~axis, i.e. $100\times N_{xy}/N_{y}$ where $N_{xy}$ is the number of models excluded by the results on the $x$ and $y$~axes and $N_{y}$ is the number of models excluded by the result on the $y$~ axis. The figures in (a) and (b) show the overlap of each search, while (c) and (d) show the overlap of each constraint. Figure (a) and (c) show the EWKino scan, while (b) and (d) are for the BinoDM scan. Where no models are excluded, the overlap is shown as zero. |