CERN Accelerating science

Workflow for the electroweak pMSSM scan, starting from sampling the pMSSM parameter space and ending at the determination of whether each model is excluded or not.
Scatter plot of models from the EWKino scan in the $\Omega h^2$ versus $m(\N{1})$ plane, coloured with RGB value set to the (wino, bino, higgsino) fraction of the LSP\@. The experimentally measured value of the relic density~\cite{Planck:2018vyg}, $\Omega h^2 = 0.120\pm0.001$, is indicated by a horizontal dashed line.
: : Scatter plot of models selected from (a) the EWKino and (b) the BinoDM scan (before the relic density constraint is applied) in the $\Omega h^2$ versus $m(\N{1})$ plane, coloured by the dominant annihilation mechanism. No additional external constraints are applied.
: : Distributions of the LSP mass. \protect\subref{1D:N1_EWKino_split} The distribution of all considered EWKino scan models before and after the ATLAS Run~2 constraints are applied, split by the dominant component (bino, wino or higgsino) of the LSP. \protect\subref{1D:N1_EWKino} The distribution of all considered EWKino scan models, the remaining models after non-DM external constraints are applied and the remaining models after non-DM external constraints and the ATLAS Run~2 constraints are applied. \protect\subref{1D:N1_Bino_split} The distribution of all considered BinoDM scan models before and after the ATLAS Run~2 constraints are applied. \protect\subref{1D:N1_Bino} The distribution of all considered BinoDM scan models, the remaining models after all the external constraints are applied and the remaining models after all external constraints and the ATLAS Run~2 constraints are applied. The lower panels show the fraction of models excluded in each case.
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: : The fraction of EWKino scan models excluded by ATLAS Run~2 results. The first column shows the $m(\Ch{1})$--$m(\N{1})$ plane and the second column the $m(\N{2})$--$m(\N{1})$ plane. The first row includes all considered models, the second includes models that satisfy the non-DM external constraints and the third row models that satisfy all external constraints. The overlaid dashed line shows the envelope of the 3L~\cite{SUSY-2019-09}, 2L2J~\cite{SUSY-2018-05} and FullHad~\cite{SUSY-2018-41} exclusion of a wino \Ch{1}/\N{2} simplified model with $\mathcal{B}(\ninotwo\rightarrow Z\ninoone)=100\%$ and $\mathcal{B}(\Ch{1}\rightarrow W^\pm\ninoone)=100\%$. Bins in grey have no models to consider, while for bins in cream (black) all models are (not) excluded.
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: : Fraction of BinoDM scan models excluded by the ATLAS Run~2 results. The first column shows the $m(\Ch{1})$--$m(\N{1})$ plane and the second column the $m(\N{2})$--$m(\N{1})$ plane. The first row includes all considered models, the second includes models that satisfy the non-DM external constraints and the third row models that satisfy all external constraints. The overlaid dashed line shows the envelope of the 3L~\cite{SUSY-2019-09}, 2L2J~\cite{SUSY-2018-05} and FullHad~\cite{SUSY-2018-41} exclusion of a wino \Ch{1}/\N{2} simplified model with $\mathcal{B}(\ninotwo\rightarrow Z\ninoone)=100\%$ and $\mathcal{B}(\Ch{1}\rightarrow W^\pm\ninoone)=100\%$. Bins in grey have no models to consider, while for bins in cream (black) all models are (not) excluded.
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: : Fraction of EWKino (left) and BinoDM (right) scan models excluded in the $m(\Ch{1})$--$\Delta m(\Ch{1},\N{1})$ plane. Only models satisfying the non-DM external constraints are included. \protect\subref{excl:dMC1N1_EWK_ATLASext} is overlaid with the disappearing-track~\cite{SUSY-2018-19} and compressed~\cite{SUSY-2018-16} exclusion of a higgsino simplified model. \protect\subref{excl:dMC1N1_Bino_ATLASext} is overlaid with the envelope of the compressed~\cite{SUSY-2018-16} and 3L~\cite{SUSY-2019-09} exclusion of a wino/bino $\Ch{1}\N{2}\rightarrow W Z \N{1}\N{1}$ simplified model. Bins in grey have no models to consider, while for bins in cream (black) all models are (not) excluded.
: : Fraction of EWKino (left) and BinoDM (right) scan models excluded in the $m(\N{2})$--$\Delta m(\N{2},\N{1})$ plane. Only models satisfying the non-DM external constraints are included. The overlaid dashed lines show the envelope of the compressed~\cite{SUSY-2018-16} and 3L~\cite{SUSY-2019-09} exclusion of relevant higgsino or wino/bino $\Ch{1}\N{2}\rightarrow W Z \N{1}\N{1}$ simplified models. Bins in grey have no models to consider, while for bins in cream (black) all models are (not) excluded.
: : Distributions of (first row) $\mathcal{B}$($\N{2}\rightarrow\N{1} Z$) and (second row) $\mathcal{B}$($\N{2}\rightarrow\N{1} h$). The first column shows models in the EWKino scan split by LSP type and the second column models in the BinoDM scan. The distributions show all considered models before and after the ATLAS Run~2 constraints are applied. The lower panels show the fraction of models excluded in each case.
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: : Exclusion of models from the BinoDM scan in the $m(\N{1})$--$\Omega h^2$ plane with (a) all non-DM constraints applied and (b) all external constraints applied. Bins in grey have no models to consider, while for bins in cream (black) all models are (not) excluded.
: : The fraction of models excluded by the ATLAS Run~2 searches from the BinoDM scan in (a) the WIMP--nucleon spin-independent scattering cross-section $\sigma_{\textup{SI}}$ versus $m(\N{1})$ plane and (b) the WIMP--proton spin-dependent scattering cross-section $\sigma_{\textup{SD}}$ versus $m(\N{1})$ plane. The pMSSM model cross-sections are scaled by $\Omega h^2 / 0.12$ to provide a fair comparison with the LZ~\cite{LUX-ZEPLIN:2022xrq} and PICO-60~\cite{PICO:2019vsc} upper limit contours shown as dashed lines on the two plots, respectively. Only models that satisfy the non-DM external constraints are included. Bins in grey have no models to consider, while for bins in cream (black) all models are (not) excluded.
: : Scatter plots of models from the BinoDM scan in the $m(\N{1})$--$\Omega h^2$ plane, coloured by the dominant annihilation mechanism for the corresponding model. The plot is shown for all considered models, after ATLAS Run~2 constraints, after external constraints, and after both ATLAS Run~2 and external constraints.
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: One-dimensional distributions of (a) the DM relic density, (b) the WIMP--nucleon spin-independent scattering cross-section and (c) the WIMP--proton spin-dependent scattering cross-section, for the EWKino scan. For (a) the distribution is shown before and after applying the ATLAS Run~2 constraints (with no additional constraints applied) with the measured relic density marked by the vertical line. The distributions in (b) and (c) are presented for all considered models that satisfy the DM relic density constraint, after applying the relevant direct detection constraint (LZ for the spin-independent cross-section and PICO-60 for the spin-dependent cross-section), and after applying both the relevant direct detection constraint and the ATLAS Run~2 constraints (with no additional external constraints applied). The pMSSM model cross-sections are scaled by $\Omega h^2 / 0.12$ to provide a fair comparison with the direct detection experiment limits. : Caption not extracted
: : Percentage overlaps in the models excluded by each search and constraint. For the diagonal entries, the number shows the percentage of all considered models excluded by that search/constraint. For each off-diagonal square, the number and bin colour indicates the percentage of the models excluded by the result on the $y$~axis that were also excluded by the result on the $x$~axis, i.e. $100\times N_{xy}/N_{y}$ where $N_{xy}$ is the number of models excluded by the results on the $x$ and $y$~axes and $N_{y}$ is the number of models excluded by the result on the $y$~ axis. The figures in (a) and (b) show the overlap of each search, while (c) and (d) show the overlap of each constraint. Figure (a) and (c) show the EWKino scan, while (b) and (d) are for the BinoDM scan. Where no models are excluded, the overlap is shown as zero.
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: : Summary plots showing the fraction of models excluded by ATLAS across the masses of each electroweakino for models that satisfy external constraints. \protect\subref{summary_ATLAS_EWK_postExt} shows the EWKino scan and \protect\subref{summary_ATLAS_Bino_postExt} the BinoDM scan. Bins in grey have no models to consider, while for bins in cream (black) all models are (not) excluded.
: : Mass spectrum for four benchmark models with a bino-like LSP that satisfy all constraints and are not excluded despite having a mass-spectrum within published ATLAS simplified model contours. Produced using PySLHA~\cite{Buckley:2013jua}.
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: : Mass spectrum for two benchmark models with a higgsino-like LSP that satisfy all constraints and are not excluded despite having a mass-spectrum within published ATLAS simplified model contours.