| \small Percentage difference between pairs of PDFs at $Q=100$~GeV obtained evolving NNPDF3.1QED PDFs from $Q_0=1.65$~GeV with different implementation of the QED$\times$QCD evolution. From top to bottom the gluon, up, down and charm (left), photon, antiup, antidown and anticharm (right) are shown. The three curves compare: {\sc\small APFEL} {exact} vs.\ {truncated} evolution (green, dot-dashed); {\sc\small APFEL} vs.\ {\sc\small EKO} {exact} with in each case default settings for the running of the couplings (see text) (blue, solid); {\sc\small APFEL} vs.\ {\sc\small EKO} {exact} both with {\sc\small APFEL} settings for the running of the coupling (red, dashed). Note the logarithmic scale on the $y$ axis; note also that the range on the $y$ axis for gluon plot differs from that of all other PDFs |