CERN Accelerating science

Title bPOL48V, a rad-hard 48V DC/DC Converter for Space and HEP Applications
Author(s) Michelis, Stefano (CERN) ; Van Der Blij, Nils Hans (CERN) ; Ripamonti, Giacomo (CERN) ; Antoszczuk, Pablo Daniel (CERN)
Publication 2023
Number of pages 4
In: 13th European Space Power Conference (ESPC 2023), Elche, Spain, 2 - 6 Oct 2023
DOI 10.1109/ESPC59009.2023.10298148
Project EP-RDET-WP5
Abstract A radiation-hard DC/DC converter has been developed at CERN, which tolerates a higher input voltage (up to 48 V) and provides a larger output power than existing solutions. It is called bPOL48V, and it employs a commercial Gallium Nitride power device and a CERN-developed control ASIC (GaN_Controller). bPOL48V can provide 10 A of output current at efficiencies higher than 95%, it features a radiation tolerance for space and high energy physics (HEP) requirements, being able to withstand 228 MRad for TID, LET =88.8 MeV·cm2/mg for SEE, 2.23. 1014p/cm2for protons irradiation, and 4. 1014n/cm2neutrons irradiation.
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 Záznam vytvorený 2023-11-30, zmenený 2024-10-11