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CMS Note
Report number CMS-CR-2023-141
Title MiniDAQ-3: providing concurrent independent subdetector data-taking on CMS production DAQ resources
Author(s) Amoiridis, Vasileios (CERN) ; Behrens, Ulf (Rice U.) ; Bocci, Andrea (CERN) ; Branson, James (UC, San Diego) ; Brummer, Philipp Maximilian (CERN) ; Cano, Eric (CERN) ; Cittolin, Sergio (UC, San Diego) ; Quintanilha, Joao (CERN) ; Darlea, Georgiana Lavinia (MIT) ; Deldicque, Christian (CERN) ; Dobson, Marc (CERN) ; Dvorak, Antonin (CERN) ; Gigi, Dominique (CERN) ; Glege, Frank (CERN) ; Gomez Ceballos, Guillelmo (MIT) ; Gorniak, Patrycja Ewa (CERN) ; Gutic, Neven (CERN) ; Hegeman, Jeroen Guido (CERN) ; Da Silva Gomes, Diego (MIT) ; James, Thomas Owen (CERN) ; Karimeh, Wassef (CERN) ; Kartalas, Miltiadis (CERN) ; Krawczyk, Rafal Dominik (Rice U.) ; Li, Wei (Rice U.) ; Long, Kenneth (Imperial Coll., London) ; Meijers, Franciscus (CERN) ; Meschi, Emilio (CERN) ; Morovic, Srecko (UC, San Diego) ; Orsini, Luciano (CERN) ; Paus, Christoph Maria Ernst (MIT) ; Petrucci, Andrea (UC, San Diego) ; Pieri, Marco (UC, San Diego) ; Rabady, Dinyar Sebastian (CERN) ; Racz, Attila (CERN) ; Rizopoulos, Theodoros (CERN) ; Sakulin, Hannes (CERN) ; Schwick, Christoph (CERN) ; Simelevicius, Dainius (Vilnius U.) ; Tzanis, Polyneikis (CERN) ; Vazquez Velez, Cristina (CERN) ; Zejdl, Petr (CERN) ; Zhang, Yousen (Rice U.) ; Zogatova, Dominika (CERN)
Publication 2024
Imprint 30 Aug 2023
Number of pages 9
Published in: EPJ Web Conf. 295 (2024) 02020
Presented at 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Norfolk, Virginia, Us, 8 - 12 May 2023
DOI 10.1051/epjconf/202429502020
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; CMS
Keywords DataAcquisition
Abstract The data acquisition (DAQ) of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at CERN, collects data for events accepted by the Level-1 Trigger from the different detector systems and assembles them in an event builder prior to making them available for further selection in the High Level Trigger, and finally storing the selected events for offline analysis. In addition to the central DAQ providing global acquisition functionality, several separate, so-called "MiniDAQ" setups allow operating independent data acquisition runs using an arbitrary subset of the CMS subdetectors. During Run 2 of the LHC, MiniDAQ setups were running their event builder and High Level Trigger applications on dedicated resources, separate from those used for the central DAQ. This cleanly separated MiniDAQ setups from the central DAQ system, but also meant limited throughput and a fixed number of possible MiniDAQ setups. In Run 3, MiniDAQ-3 setups share production resources with the new central DAQ system, allowing each setup to operate at the maximum Level-1 rate thanks to the reuse of the resources and network bandwidth. Configuration management tools had to be significantly extended to support the synchronization of the DAQ configurations needed for the various setups. We report on the new configuration management features and on the first year of operational experience with the new MiniDAQ-3 system.
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 Записът е създаден на 2023-09-25, последна промяна на 2024-10-21

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