CERN Accelerating science

: $W\gamma\gamma$ production via a quartic gauge boson coupling.
: $W\gamma\gamma$ production via a quartic gauge boson coupling.
: $W\gamma\gamma$ production via two triple gauge boson couplings.
: $W\gamma\gamma$ production via two triple gauge boson couplings.
: $W\gamma\gamma$ production where the photons are produced via ISR and FSR.
: $W\gamma\gamma$ production where the photons are produced via ISR and FSR.
: $W\gamma\gamma$ production where the photons are produced via the decay of a SM Higgs boson.
: $W\gamma\gamma$ production where the photons are produced via the decay of a SM Higgs boson.
Data, and pre- and post-fit yields for TopCR, TopVR, and SR as a function of leading photon \pT. The error bars on data indicate its statistical uncertainty. The bottom panel shows the ratio of the data to the post-fit yield (black points) and the ratio of the pre-fit yield to the post-fit yield (solid line) for each of the regions. The uncertainty band includes both the statistical and systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit. The $tt\gamma$ background is scaled by the normalization factor $\alpha_{tt\gamma}$, and the $W(\ell\nu)\gamma\gamma$ prediction, by the signal strength $\mu$. Background contributions from pileup in TopCR and TopVR are neglected.
Data, and pre- and post-fit yields for TopCR as a function of leading photon \pT, and for TopVR and SR each as a single bin. The error bars on data indicate its statistical uncertainty. The bottom panel shows the ratio of the data to the post-fit yield (black points) and the ratio of the pre-fit yield to the post-fit yield (solid line) for each of the regions. The uncertainty band includes both the statistical and systematic uncertainties obtained from the fit. The $tt\gamma$ background is scaled by the normalization factor $\alpha_{tt\gamma}$, and the $W(\ell\nu)\gamma\gamma$ prediction, by the signal strength $\mu$. Background contributions from pileup in TopCR and TopVR are neglected.
The measured fiducial $W(\rightarrow e\nu / \mu\nu)\gamma\gamma$ integrated cross section compared with both the signal event generator predictions.
The measured fiducial $W(\rightarrow e\nu / \mu\nu)\gamma\gamma$ integrated cross section compared with both the signal event generator predictions.