CERN Accelerating science

Diagrams of simplified models of gluino pair production: T5qqqqHG (upper left), T5bbbbZG (upper right), T5ttttZG (lower left), and top squark pair production: T6ttZG (lower right). The models are defined in the text.
Diagrams of simplified models of gluino pair production: T5qqqqHG (upper left), T5bbbbZG (upper right), T5ttttZG (lower left), and top squark pair production: T6ttZG (lower right). The models are defined in the text.
Diagrams of simplified models of gluino pair production: T5qqqqHG (upper left), T5bbbbZG (upper right), T5ttttZG (lower left), and top squark pair production: T6ttZG (lower right). The models are defined in the text.
Diagrams of simplified models of gluino pair production: T5qqqqHG (upper left), T5bbbbZG (upper right), T5ttttZG (lower left), and top squark pair production: T6ttZG (lower right). The models are defined in the text.
Diagrams of simplified models of gluino pair production: T5qqqqHG (upper left), T5bbbbZG (upper right), T5ttttZG (lower left), and top squark pair production: T6ttZG (lower right). The models are defined in the text.
Diagrams of simplified models of gluino pair production: T5qqqqHG (upper left), T5bbbbZG (upper right), T5ttttZG (lower left), and top squark pair production: T6ttZG (lower right). The models are defined in the text.
Diagrams of simplified models of gluino pair production: T5qqqqHG (upper left), T5bbbbZG (upper right), T5ttttZG (lower left), and top squark pair production: T6ttZG (lower right). The models are defined in the text.
Diagrams of simplified models of gluino pair production: T5qqqqHG (upper left), T5bbbbZG (upper right), T5ttttZG (lower left), and top squark pair production: T6ttZG (lower right). The models are defined in the text.
Diagrams of simplified models of electroweakino pair production: TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right). Only the \ChiCOneChiNOne and \ChiCOneChiCOneMP cases are shown for the TChiWG and TChiNG models, respectively. The models are defined in the text. ``Soft'' indicates particles with momentum too low to be detectable.
Diagrams of simplified models of electroweakino pair production: TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right). Only the \ChiCOneChiNOne and \ChiCOneChiCOneMP cases are shown for the TChiWG and TChiNG models, respectively. The models are defined in the text. ``Soft'' indicates particles with momentum too low to be detectable.
Diagrams of simplified models of electroweakino pair production: TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right). Only the \ChiCOneChiNOne and \ChiCOneChiCOneMP cases are shown for the TChiWG and TChiNG models, respectively. The models are defined in the text. ``Soft'' indicates particles with momentum too low to be detectable.
Diagrams of simplified models of electroweakino pair production: TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right). Only the \ChiCOneChiNOne and \ChiCOneChiCOneMP cases are shown for the TChiWG and TChiNG models, respectively. The models are defined in the text. ``Soft'' indicates particles with momentum too low to be detectable.
Diagrams of simplified models of electroweakino pair production: TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right). Only the \ChiCOneChiNOne and \ChiCOneChiCOneMP cases are shown for the TChiWG and TChiNG models, respectively. The models are defined in the text. ``Soft'' indicates particles with momentum too low to be detectable.
Diagrams of simplified models of electroweakino pair production: TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right). Only the \ChiCOneChiNOne and \ChiCOneChiCOneMP cases are shown for the TChiWG and TChiNG models, respectively. The models are defined in the text. ``Soft'' indicates particles with momentum too low to be detectable.
The definitions and indexing schemes for the SP (left) and EW (right) SRs and low-\ptmiss CRs, in the planes of \ptmiss, \nj, and \nb (left) and \ptmiss, \vandhtag (right). The gray blocks correspond to the low-\ptmiss CRs, the blue blocks to the SP SRs, and the red blocks to the EW SRs.
The definitions and indexing schemes for the SP (left) and EW (right) SRs and low-\ptmiss CRs, in the planes of \ptmiss, \nj, and \nb (left) and \ptmiss, \vandhtag (right). The gray blocks correspond to the low-\ptmiss CRs, the blue blocks to the SP SRs, and the red blocks to the EW SRs.
The definitions and indexing schemes for the SP (left) and EW (right) SRs and low-\ptmiss CRs, in the planes of \ptmiss, \nj, and \nb (left) and \ptmiss, \vandhtag (right). The gray blocks correspond to the low-\ptmiss CRs, the blue blocks to the SP SRs, and the red blocks to the EW SRs.
The definitions and indexing schemes for the SP (left) and EW (right) SRs and low-\ptmiss CRs, in the planes of \ptmiss, \nj, and \nb (left) and \ptmiss, \vandhtag (right). The gray blocks correspond to the low-\ptmiss CRs, the blue blocks to the SP SRs, and the red blocks to the EW SRs.
Left: the relative contributions of events with light lepton(s) or \tauh candidate(s) in the SRs and CRs (upper panel), and the corresponding transfer factors (TFs; see text), along with their statistical uncertainties (lower panel). Right: a comparison between the expected and predicted lost lepton event yields from simulated \wgammaj and \ttgammaj processes in each of the SR bins. The vertical error bars indicate the statistical uncertainty in the simulation and the hashed bands in the lower panel indicate the systematic uncertainties.
Left: the relative contributions of events with light lepton(s) or \tauh candidate(s) in the SRs and CRs (upper panel), and the corresponding transfer factors (TFs; see text), along with their statistical uncertainties (lower panel). Right: a comparison between the expected and predicted lost lepton event yields from simulated \wgammaj and \ttgammaj processes in each of the SR bins. The vertical error bars indicate the statistical uncertainty in the simulation and the hashed bands in the lower panel indicate the systematic uncertainties.
Left: the relative contributions of events with light lepton(s) or \tauh candidate(s) in the SRs and CRs (upper panel), and the corresponding transfer factors (TFs; see text), along with their statistical uncertainties (lower panel). Right: a comparison between the expected and predicted lost lepton event yields from simulated \wgammaj and \ttgammaj processes in each of the SR bins. The vertical error bars indicate the statistical uncertainty in the simulation and the hashed bands in the lower panel indicate the systematic uncertainties.
Left: the relative contributions of events with light lepton(s) or \tauh candidate(s) in the SRs and CRs (upper panel), and the corresponding transfer factors (TFs; see text), along with their statistical uncertainties (lower panel). Right: a comparison between the expected and predicted lost lepton event yields from simulated \wgammaj and \ttgammaj processes in each of the SR bins. The vertical error bars indicate the statistical uncertainty in the simulation and the hashed bands in the lower panel indicate the systematic uncertainties.
A comparison of the number of events with an electron misidentified as a photon in the SRs and the number estimated using the single-electron CRs with simulated samples. The ratio of the expected and predicted event yields in each SR is shown in the lower panel. The shaded region in the lower panel indicates the systematic uncertainties in the predicted number of background events.
A comparison of the number of events with an electron misidentified as a photon in the SRs and the number estimated using the single-electron CRs with simulated samples. The ratio of the expected and predicted event yields in each SR is shown in the lower panel. The shaded region in the lower panel indicates the systematic uncertainties in the predicted number of background events.
The distributions of the dilepton invariant mass (left) and the magnitude of the dilepton \ptvec plus the \ptvecmiss (right) for \llg events in data and simulation. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in the data events. In the lower panel, the shaded region shows the statistical uncertainty in the simulation.
The distributions of the dilepton invariant mass (left) and the magnitude of the dilepton \ptvec plus the \ptvecmiss (right) for \llg events in data and simulation. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in the data events. In the lower panel, the shaded region shows the statistical uncertainty in the simulation.
The distributions of the dilepton invariant mass (left) and the magnitude of the dilepton \ptvec plus the \ptvecmiss (right) for \llg events in data and simulation. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in the data events. In the lower panel, the shaded region shows the statistical uncertainty in the simulation.
The distributions of the dilepton invariant mass (left) and the magnitude of the dilepton \ptvec plus the \ptvecmiss (right) for \llg events in data and simulation. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in the data events. In the lower panel, the shaded region shows the statistical uncertainty in the simulation.
A comparison between $\kappa$ estimated from simulation and from data in the zero-photon CR. The values are given for each \nj, \nb, \vtag, and \htag bin, represented as $r$. The blue bands in the lower panel represent the relative systematic uncertainty in $\kappa$.
A comparison between $\kappa$ estimated from simulation and from data in the zero-photon CR. The values are given for each \nj, \nb, \vtag, and \htag bin, represented as $r$. The blue bands in the lower panel represent the relative systematic uncertainty in $\kappa$.
The numbers of predicted background events and observed events in the SRs and low-\ptmiss CRs. The lost-lepton, electron misidentified as photon, \zgammaj, and \gjets and QCD multijet backgrounds are stacked histograms. The observed numbers of events in data are presented as black points. For illustration, the expected event yields are presented for the signal model T5bbbbZG, for small (blue) and large (purple) differences in the masses of the \PSg and NLSP. Also shown is the expected distribution of events for the signal model TChiWG (red). The numerical values in parentheses in the legend entries for the signal models indicate the \PSg and NLSP mass values in {\GeVns} for strong production and the NLSP mass value for electroweak production. The lower panel shows the ratio of the observed number of data events and the predicted backgrounds. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in the data events, and the shaded band represents the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the predicted background. The \ptmiss bin 200--300\GeV is used for the estimation of the $\gjets$ and QCD multijet background.
The numbers of predicted background events and observed events in the SRs and low-\ptmiss CRs. The lost-lepton, electron misidentified as photon, \zgammaj, and \gjets and QCD multijet backgrounds are stacked histograms. The observed numbers of events in data are presented as black points. For illustration, the expected event yields are presented for the signal model T5bbbbZG, for small (blue) and large (purple) differences in the masses of the \PSg and NLSP. Also shown is the expected distribution of events for the signal model TChiWG (red). The numerical values in parentheses in the legend entries for the signal models indicate the \PSg and NLSP mass values in {\GeVns} for strong production and the NLSP mass value for electroweak production. The lower panel shows the ratio of the observed number of data events and the predicted backgrounds. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainty in the data events, and the shaded band represents the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the predicted background. The \ptmiss bin 200--300\GeV is used for the estimation of the $\gjets$ and QCD multijet background.
The 95\% \CL upper limits on the production cross sections for \PSg pairs, with \GluinoToBBChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper left, T5bbbbZG model), \GluinoToQQChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToHsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper right, T5qqqqHG model), \GluinoToTTChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower left, T5ttttZG model), or top squark pairs assuming the top squark decays to a top quark and a \ChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower right, T6ttZG model). The thick black curve represents the observed exclusion contour and the thin black curves show the effect of varying the signal cross section within the theoretical uncertainties by $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{theory}}$. The thick red curve indicates the expected exclusion contour and the thin red curves show the variations from $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{experiment}}$ uncertainties.
The 95\% \CL upper limits on the production cross sections for \PSg pairs, with \GluinoToBBChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper left, T5bbbbZG model), \GluinoToQQChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToHsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper right, T5qqqqHG model), \GluinoToTTChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower left, T5ttttZG model), or top squark pairs assuming the top squark decays to a top quark and a \ChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower right, T6ttZG model). The thick black curve represents the observed exclusion contour and the thin black curves show the effect of varying the signal cross section within the theoretical uncertainties by $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{theory}}$. The thick red curve indicates the expected exclusion contour and the thin red curves show the variations from $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{experiment}}$ uncertainties.
The 95\% \CL upper limits on the production cross sections for \PSg pairs, with \GluinoToBBChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper left, T5bbbbZG model), \GluinoToQQChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToHsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper right, T5qqqqHG model), \GluinoToTTChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower left, T5ttttZG model), or top squark pairs assuming the top squark decays to a top quark and a \ChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower right, T6ttZG model). The thick black curve represents the observed exclusion contour and the thin black curves show the effect of varying the signal cross section within the theoretical uncertainties by $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{theory}}$. The thick red curve indicates the expected exclusion contour and the thin red curves show the variations from $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{experiment}}$ uncertainties.
The 95\% \CL upper limits on the production cross sections for \PSg pairs, with \GluinoToBBChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper left, T5bbbbZG model), \GluinoToQQChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToHsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper right, T5qqqqHG model), \GluinoToTTChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower left, T5ttttZG model), or top squark pairs assuming the top squark decays to a top quark and a \ChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower right, T6ttZG model). The thick black curve represents the observed exclusion contour and the thin black curves show the effect of varying the signal cross section within the theoretical uncertainties by $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{theory}}$. The thick red curve indicates the expected exclusion contour and the thin red curves show the variations from $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{experiment}}$ uncertainties.
The 95\% \CL upper limits on the production cross sections for \PSg pairs, with \GluinoToBBChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper left, T5bbbbZG model), \GluinoToQQChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToHsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper right, T5qqqqHG model), \GluinoToTTChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower left, T5ttttZG model), or top squark pairs assuming the top squark decays to a top quark and a \ChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower right, T6ttZG model). The thick black curve represents the observed exclusion contour and the thin black curves show the effect of varying the signal cross section within the theoretical uncertainties by $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{theory}}$. The thick red curve indicates the expected exclusion contour and the thin red curves show the variations from $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{experiment}}$ uncertainties.
The 95\% \CL upper limits on the production cross sections for \PSg pairs, with \GluinoToBBChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper left, T5bbbbZG model), \GluinoToQQChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToHsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper right, T5qqqqHG model), \GluinoToTTChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower left, T5ttttZG model), or top squark pairs assuming the top squark decays to a top quark and a \ChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower right, T6ttZG model). The thick black curve represents the observed exclusion contour and the thin black curves show the effect of varying the signal cross section within the theoretical uncertainties by $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{theory}}$. The thick red curve indicates the expected exclusion contour and the thin red curves show the variations from $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{experiment}}$ uncertainties.
The 95\% \CL upper limits on the production cross sections for \PSg pairs, with \GluinoToBBChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper left, T5bbbbZG model), \GluinoToQQChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToHsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper right, T5qqqqHG model), \GluinoToTTChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower left, T5ttttZG model), or top squark pairs assuming the top squark decays to a top quark and a \ChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower right, T6ttZG model). The thick black curve represents the observed exclusion contour and the thin black curves show the effect of varying the signal cross section within the theoretical uncertainties by $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{theory}}$. The thick red curve indicates the expected exclusion contour and the thin red curves show the variations from $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{experiment}}$ uncertainties.
The 95\% \CL upper limits on the production cross sections for \PSg pairs, with \GluinoToBBChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper left, T5bbbbZG model), \GluinoToQQChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToHsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (upper right, T5qqqqHG model), \GluinoToTTChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower left, T5ttttZG model), or top squark pairs assuming the top squark decays to a top quark and a \ChiNOne followed by \ChiNOneToZsGra or \ChiNOneTogsGra (lower right, T6ttZG model). The thick black curve represents the observed exclusion contour and the thin black curves show the effect of varying the signal cross section within the theoretical uncertainties by $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{theory}}$. The thick red curve indicates the expected exclusion contour and the thin red curves show the variations from $\pm 1\sigma_{\text{experiment}}$ uncertainties.
The expected and observed limits on the electroweakino mass in the TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right) models at 95\% \CL. For the TChiNG model (lower left), scenarios with degenerate charginos and neutralinos leading to the combined process $\ChiCOneChiCOneMP+\ChiNOneChiNTwo+(\ChiNOne/\ChiNTwo)\ChiCOne$ (red) or the single process \ChiNOneChiNTwo (blue) are considered.
The expected and observed limits on the electroweakino mass in the TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right) models at 95\% \CL. For the TChiNG model (lower left), scenarios with degenerate charginos and neutralinos leading to the combined process $\ChiCOneChiCOneMP+\ChiNOneChiNTwo+(\ChiNOne/\ChiNTwo)\ChiCOne$ (red) or the single process \ChiNOneChiNTwo (blue) are considered.
The expected and observed limits on the electroweakino mass in the TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right) models at 95\% \CL. For the TChiNG model (lower left), scenarios with degenerate charginos and neutralinos leading to the combined process $\ChiCOneChiCOneMP+\ChiNOneChiNTwo+(\ChiNOne/\ChiNTwo)\ChiCOne$ (red) or the single process \ChiNOneChiNTwo (blue) are considered.
The expected and observed limits on the electroweakino mass in the TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right) models at 95\% \CL. For the TChiNG model (lower left), scenarios with degenerate charginos and neutralinos leading to the combined process $\ChiCOneChiCOneMP+\ChiNOneChiNTwo+(\ChiNOne/\ChiNTwo)\ChiCOne$ (red) or the single process \ChiNOneChiNTwo (blue) are considered.
The expected and observed limits on the electroweakino mass in the TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right) models at 95\% \CL. For the TChiNG model (lower left), scenarios with degenerate charginos and neutralinos leading to the combined process $\ChiCOneChiCOneMP+\ChiNOneChiNTwo+(\ChiNOne/\ChiNTwo)\ChiCOne$ (red) or the single process \ChiNOneChiNTwo (blue) are considered.
The expected and observed limits on the electroweakino mass in the TChiWG (upper), TChiNG (lower left), and TChiNGnn (lower right) models at 95\% \CL. For the TChiNG model (lower left), scenarios with degenerate charginos and neutralinos leading to the combined process $\ChiCOneChiCOneMP+\ChiNOneChiNTwo+(\ChiNOne/\ChiNTwo)\ChiCOne$ (red) or the single process \ChiNOneChiNTwo (blue) are considered.