CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:2306.08949
Title Performance of a front-end prototype ASIC for the ATLAS High Granularity Timing Detector
Author(s) Agapopoulou, C. (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Beresford, L.A. (CERN) ; Boumediene, D.E. (LPC, Clermont-Ferrand) ; Castillo García, L. (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Conforti, S. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; de la Taille, C. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Corpe, L.D. (CERN) ; de Sousa, M.J. Da Cunha Sargedas (USTC, Hefei) ; Dinaucourt, P. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Falou, A. (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Gautam, V. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Gong, D. (Southern Methodist U.) ; Grieco, C. (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Grinstein, S. (ICREA, Barcelona ; Barcelona, IFAE) ; Guindon, S. (CERN) ; Howard, A. (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Kurdysh, O. (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Kuwertz, E. (CERN) ; Li, C. (USTC, Hefei) ; Makovec, N. (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Markovic, B. (SLAC) ; Martin-Chassal, G. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Mazzini, R. (ASIAA, Taipei) ; Milke, C. (SLAC) ; Morenas, M. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Perrin, O. (LPC, Clermont-Ferrand) ; Raskina, V. (LPNHE, Paris) ; Rizzi, C. (CERN) ; Ruckman, L. (SLAC) ; Rummler, A. (CERN) ; Sacerdoti, S. (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Saito, G. (Sao Paulo U.) ; Seguin-Moreau, N. (Ec. Polytech., OMEGA) ; Serin, L. (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Yang, X. (USTC, Hefei) ; Ye, J. (Southern Methodist U.) ; Zhou, W. (Southern Methodist U.)
Publication 2023-08-21
Imprint 2023-06-15
Number of pages 20
Note 20 pages, 15 figures Second version submitted to JINST including minor changes applied to address journal's comments
In: JINST 18 (2023) P08019
DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/18/08/P08019
Subject category hep-ex ; Particle Physics - Experiment ; physics.ins-det ; Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS
Abstract This paper presents the design and characterisation of a front-end prototype ASIC for the ATLAS High Granularity Timing Detector, which is planned for the High-Luminosity phase of the LHC. This prototype, called ALTIROC1, consists of a 5$\times$5-pad matrix and contains the analog part of the single-channel readout (preamplifier, discriminator, two TDCs and SRAM). Two preamplifier architectures (transimpedance and voltage) were implemented and tested. The ASIC was characterised both alone and as a module when connected to a 5$\times$5-pad array of LGAD sensors. In calibration measurements, the ASIC operating alone was found to satisfy the technical requirements for the project, with similar performances for both preamplifier types. In particular, the jitter was found to be 15$\pm$1 ps (35$\pm$1 ps) for an injected charge of 10 fC (4 fC). A degradation in performance was observed when the ASIC was connected to the LGAD array. This is attributed to digital couplings at the entrance of the preamplifiers. When the ASIC is connected to the LGAD array, the lowest detectable charge increased from 1.5 fC to 3.4 fC. As a consequence, the jitter increased for an injected charge of 4 fC. Despite this increase, ALTIROC1 still satisfies the maximum jitter specification (below 65 ps) for the HGTD project. This coupling issue also affects the time over threshold measurements and the time-walk correction can only be performed with transimpedance preamplifiers. Beam test measurements with a pion beam at CERN were also undertaken to evaluate the performance of the module. The best time resolution obtained using only ALTIROC TDC data was 46.3$\pm$0.7 ps for a restricted time of arrival range where the coupling issue is minimized. The residual time-walk contribution is equal to 23 ps and is the dominant electronic noise contribution to the time resolution at 15 fC.
Copyright/License publication: © 2023-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0)
preprint: (License: CC BY 4.0)

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 Записът е създаден на 2023-07-01, последна промяна на 2024-10-15

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