CERN Accélérateur de science

      author        = "Fol, Elena and Cardona, Javier and Carlier, Felix and
                       Dilly, Joschua and Hofer, Michael and Keintzel, Jacqueline
                       and Le Garrec, Mael and Maclean, Ewen and Persson, Tobias
                       and Soubelet, Felix and Tomás García, Rogelio and
                       Wegscheider, Andreas",
      title         = "{Experimental Demonstration of Machine Learning
                       Application in LHC Optics Commissioning}",
      journal       = "JACoW IPAC",
      volume        = "2022",
      pages         = "359-362",
      year          = "2022",
      url           = "",
      doi           = "10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2022-MOPOPT047",