CERN Accelerating science

Title J-PARC Contributions to the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) Project
Author(s) Ohmori, Chihiro (J-PARC) ; Paoluzzi, Mauro (CERN) ; Tamura, Fumihiko (J-PARC ; JAEA, Ibaraki) ; Hasegawa, Katsushi (J-PARC) ; Sugiyama, Yasuyuki (J-PARC) ; Shirakata, Masashi (J-PARC) ; Yoshii, Masahito (J-PARC)
Publication 2021
Number of pages 6
In: JPS Conf. Proc. 33 (2021) 011006-1-011006-6
In: J-PARC Symposium 2019, Tsukuba, Japan, 23 - 26 Sep 2019, pp.011006-1-011006-6
DOI 10.7566/JPSCP.33.011006
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC
Abstract The LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) was launched in 2010 in synergy with the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project.^2) It includes the consolidation/upgrade of the PS Booster RF systems:^3,4) all the existing ferrite-loaded RF cavities are being replaced with wideband RF systems during the 2019–2020 long shut down. The magnetic-annealed cores improve the cavity performance and reduce the number of the straight sections for RF systems. In 2013, during the first long shut down of the LHC, LS1, we performed a beam loading test in J-PARC using a one-cell type Booster cavity. The beam test using a high intensity beam proved that direct-feedback can work in conjunction with the other beam loading compensation system.^5) J-PARC also cooperates on the R&D; of a Rad-Hard solid-state amplifier. A recent irradiation test shows that the amplifier can withstand up to 2 kGy under mixed field irradiation.^6) J-PARC contributions for the LIU project will be reported.
Copyright/License publication: © 2021-2025 the author(s) (License: CC-BY-4.0)

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 Záznam vytvorený 2022-08-10, zmenený 2022-08-11

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