| {\it Left:} Cross sections for $hh$ (cyan) and $hhh$ (green) production as a function of $\sqrt{s}$ in models with VLF. {\it Right:} Cross sections for $hh$ (left axis) and $hhh$ (right axis) production as a function of $\tan\beta$ in models with VLF and 2HDM for $M_{L,E}\simeq m_{H,A,H^{\pm}}$. The dot-dashed and dashed lines correspond to the predictions corresponding to the central value of $\Delta a_{\mu}$ and $m_{H,A,H^{\pm}}=3\times M_{L,E}$ and $m_{H,A,H^{\pm}}=5\times M_{L,E}$, respectively. Both panels assume $\Delta a_{\mu}$ is within $1\sigma$ of the measured value (shaded ranges)~\cite{Dermisek:2021mhi}. |