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Internal Note
Report number CERN-ACC-NOTE-2022-0016 ; NIMMS-Note-009
Title Preliminary design of SEEIIST High Energy Beam Transfer lines
Author(s) Sapinski, Mariusz (Paul Scherrer Institute (CH))
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva. ATS Department
Publication 2022
Imprint 20 May 2022
Number of pages 27
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Study CERN Medical Applications ; CERN NIMMS
Keywords beam transfer lines ; ion therapy ; CIRT
Abstract The South-East Europe International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST) is planning to construct a new Carbon Ion Radiotherapy Center in South-East Europe. This new facility will have an experimental program much more developed than the existing European carbon therapy centers. Therefore its High Energy Beam Transfer lines, which transport the beam from the extraction of the synchrotron to the patient or experiment, feature large experimental area well separated from the treatment area. The treatment rooms are very broad to host additional medical equipment. The beamline configuration foresees three treatment rooms: one with a horizontal beamline, one with horizontal and vertical beamlines, and one with a gantry. The new facility will not be constrained by space, however, it is important to keep its complexity and overall cost limited. With a total length of around 200 meters, the beamlines will transport the beam using relatively small number of magnets, nevertheless keeping the beam envelope narrow and with minimal losses and allowing for various extraction configurations. The final segments of each beamline will allow to minimize the beam divergence and regulate the beam spot size on the patients or the experiments.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Notice créée le 2022-06-01, modifiée le 2022-07-15

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