CERN Accelerating science

Title Observational probes of dark energy/modified gravity
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Author(s) Koyama, Kazuya (speaker) (University of Portsmouth)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Imprint 2022-04-12. - 3700.
Series (EuCAPT Virtual Colloquium)
Lecture note on 2022-04-12T15:00:00
Subject category EuCAPT Virtual Colloquium

The discovery of the accelerated expansion of the Universe has come relatively late in our study of the cosmos, but in showing that gravity can act repulsively, it has opened up many new questions about the nature of gravity and what the Universe might contain. Is the acceleration being driven by dark energy?  Or is general relativity itself in error, requiring a modification at large scales to account for the late acceleration? Structure formation in our Universe can be different even if the geometry of the homogeneous and isotropic universe is the same in these two classes of models, offering a possibility to distinguish between them observationally. I will discuss cosmological tests of dark energy and modified gravity models using latest cosmological observations.


The video of the presentation will be available shortly after the event. 

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Submitted by [email protected]


 Record created 2022-04-14, last modified 2024-06-26

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