CERN Accelerating science

Gravitational portals with nonminimal couplings - Clery, Simon et al - arXiv:2203.02004UMN--TH--4116/22FTPI--MINN--22/07CERN-TH-2022-025
\em \small Feynman diagram for the 4-point interactions between the inflaton $\phi$, the dark matter scalar candidate $X$, and the Higgs boson $h$, given by the Lagrangian~(\ref{lag4point}).
\em \small Feynman diagram for the (dark) matter production through the gravitational scattering of the inflaton or the Higgs boson from the thermal bath.
\em \small Contours of the ratio of the dark matter production rates from the thermal bath based on non-minimal gravitational interactions to those based on minimal interactions. The ratio is displayed in the $(\xi_h,\xi_X)$ plane. Note that as discussed in the Introduction, negative values of $\xi_h$ may require new physics (such as supersymmetry) to stabilize the Higgs vacuum.
\em \small Contours of the ratio of the dark matter production rates from oscillations in the inflaton condensate based on non-minimal gravitational interactions to those based on minimal interactions. The ratio is displayed in the $(\xi_\phi,\xi_X)$ plane.
\em \small The maximum temperature during reheating generated separately by minimal and non-minimal gravitational scattering of Higgs bosons in the thermal bath.
\em \small Evolution of the inflaton density (blue) and the total radiation density (red), with radiation density produced from inflaton decays (dashed orange) and $\phi~\phi \rightarrow h~h$ scattering processes $\rho_R^{\sigma, \, \xi}$ (dotted green) and $\rho_R^{\sigma}$ (dash-dotted purple) with $\sigma_{\phi h}^{\xi}/\sigma_{\phi h} = 100$ (or $\xi_{\phi} = \xi_h = \xi \simeq -2.3~{or}~1.8$), as a function of $a/\ae$ for a Yukawa-like coupling $y = 10^{-8}$ and $\rhoe \simeq 0.175 \, m_{\phi}^2 M_P^2$ $\simeq 9 \times 10^{62} \, \rm{GeV}^4$. The black dashed lines corresponds to the ratios $a_{\rm{int}}/a_{\rm{end}} \simeq 150$ and $6500$, which agrees with Eq.~(\ref{aint}). The numerical solutions are obtained from Eqs.~(\ref{eq:diffrhophi}), (\ref{eq:diffrhor}), and (\ref{eq:rhorad1}).
\em \small Region of parameter space respecting the relic density constraint $\Omega_X h^2=0.12$ in the plane ($m_X$,$\trh$) for different values of $\xi=\xi_h=\xi_X$ and $\rhoe \simeq 0.175 \, m_{\phi}^2 M_P^2$ in the case of gravitational production from the thermal bath $h~h \rightarrow X~X$. Both minimal and non-minimal contributions are taken into account.
\em \small Region of parameter space respecting the relic density constraint $\Omega_X h^2=0.12$ in the plane ($m_X$,$\trh$) for different values of $\xi_\phi=\xi_h=\xi_X=\xi$ and $\rhoe \simeq 0.175 \, m_{\phi}^2 M_P^2$ in the case of production from gravitational inflaton scattering $\phi~\phi \rightarrow X~X$. Both minimal and non-minimal contributions are taken into account.