| \em \small Evolution of the inflaton density (blue) and the total radiation density (red), with radiation density produced from inflaton decays (dashed orange) and $\phi~\phi \rightarrow h~h$ scattering processes $\rho_R^{\sigma, \, \xi}$ (dotted green) and $\rho_R^{\sigma}$ (dash-dotted purple) with $\sigma_{\phi h}^{\xi}/\sigma_{\phi h} = 100$ (or $\xi_{\phi} = \xi_h = \xi \simeq -2.3~{or}~1.8$), as a function of $a/\ae$ for a Yukawa-like coupling $y = 10^{-8}$ and $\rhoe \simeq 0.175 \, m_{\phi}^2 M_P^2$ $\simeq 9 \times 10^{62} \, \rm{GeV}^4$. The black dashed lines corresponds to the ratios $a_{\rm{int}}/a_{\rm{end}} \simeq 150$ and $6500$, which agrees with Eq.~(\ref{aint}). The numerical solutions are obtained from Eqs.~(\ref{eq:diffrhophi}), (\ref{eq:diffrhor}), and (\ref{eq:rhorad1}). |