| : : Distributions of the NN discriminants $D_1$ and $D_2$ observed in~\subref{subfig:D_1_tqVR} the \tchanvr, \subref{subfig:D_1_tTbarVR} the \ttvr and \subref{subfig:D_2_WjetsVR} the $\ell^+\;$\wvr. The observed data are compared with the distribution of simulated background events normalised to the number of expected events, accounting for the normalisation factors obtained in the fits of the $\met$ and $\mtw$ distributions for estimating the multijet background. The uncertainty band represents the uncertainty due to limited sample size and the rate uncertainties of the different processes ($20$\% for $W$+jets production, $30$\% for the multijet background and $6$\% for the top-quark processes). The ratio of observed to predicted (Pred.) numbers of events in each bin is shown in the lower panel. |