CERN Accélérateur de science

      author        = "Waets, Andreas and Bahamonde Castro, Cristina and Belli,
                       Eleonora and Bruce, Roderik and Fuster-Martínez, Nuria and
                       Lechner, Anton and Mereghetti, Alessio and Redaelli,
                       Stefano and Sabaté-Gilarte, Marta and Skordis,
      title         = "{Power Deposition in Superconducting Dispersion Suppressor
                       Magnets Downstream of the Betatron Cleaning Insertion for
      pages         = "37-40",
      year          = "2021",
      url           = "",
      doi           = "10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2021-MOPAB001",