| The Industrial Controls Frameworks, JCOP and UNICOS, have been employed to develop hundreds of critical controls applications in multiple domains like the detector control system, accelerator complex (cryogenics, powering, interlocks) or technical infrastructure, leading to an unprecedented level of homogeneity. These frameworks, used by a thousand of developers worldwide, will now undergo a major consolidation and re-engineering effort to prepare them for the new challenges of the next 20 years in the HL-LHC era, and streamline their maintenance. The paper presents the challenges that will be faced during this project due to the breadth of technological stack and large code-base contributed over two decades by numerous authors. Delivery of innovation induced by evolution of technologies and refactoring of the ageing code must be done in a way that ensures backward-compatibility for existing systems. The vision and the current state of the frameworks is discussed, alongside the main deliveries planned in the medium term. Lessons learnt, optimizations of processes to make best use of available resources and efforts towards open-source licensing of the frameworks are also presented. |