CERN Accelerating science

Representation of a transversal view of a triple-GEM detector.
Sensitivity map for neutrons (left) and photon (right); in the x-axis is the kinetic energy, y-axis is the incident angle, the sensitivity value is presented in the color band.
Sensitivity map for neutrons (left) and photon (right); in the x-axis is the kinetic energy, y-axis is the incident angle, the sensitivity value is presented in the color band.
Sensitivity as a function of kinetic energy, for neutrons, photons and electrons, considering an incident angle of zero degrees with respect to normal to the detector surface (left). Sensitivity as a function of incident angle for different type of particles considering two energy values of 1~MeV and 100~MeV (right).
Sensitivity as a function of kinetic energy, for neutrons, photons and electrons, considering an incident angle of zero degrees with respect to normal to the detector surface (left). Sensitivity as a function of incident angle for different type of particles considering two energy values of 1~MeV and 100~MeV (right).
Schematic drawing of the negative muon endcap, showing the location of the five slice test superchambers.
CMS geometry used in FLUKA simulation (top-left), Flux of particle arriving to GE1/1 volume, normalized to luminosity (top-right). Energy spectra of incoming particles (bottom-left), direction cosine of different particles with respect to axis perpendicular to detector surface (bottom-right)
CMS geometry used in FLUKA simulation (top-left), Flux of particle arriving to GE1/1 volume, normalized to luminosity (top-right). Energy spectra of incoming particles (bottom-left), direction cosine of different particles with respect to axis perpendicular to detector surface (bottom-right)
CMS geometry used in FLUKA simulation (top-left), Flux of particle arriving to GE1/1 volume, normalized to luminosity (top-right). Energy spectra of incoming particles (bottom-left), direction cosine of different particles with respect to axis perpendicular to detector surface (bottom-right)
CMS geometry used in FLUKA simulation (top-left), Flux of particle arriving to GE1/1 volume, normalized to luminosity (top-right). Energy spectra of incoming particles (bottom-left), direction cosine of different particles with respect to axis perpendicular to detector surface (bottom-right)
Single triple-GEM chamber with different layers (left), and Geant4 visualization of superchamber constructed by combining two single chambers (right).
Single triple-GEM chamber with different layers (left), and Geant4 visualization of superchamber constructed by combining two single chambers (right).
Sensitivity behavior of ``layer-2'' as a function of incident energy for different particles. Here the sensitivity is convoluted over all possible incident angles.
Comparison of slice test data with FLUKA+Geant4 Simulation for Layer-2 of superchamber No. 28. The systematic uncertainties from Geant4 simulation method and detector parameters are shown as shaded blue band around the simulation prediction. The uncertainty from FLUKA simulation are shown as orange band after adding them in quadrature with systematics shown in blue band. The bottom panel shows the ratio of data and simulation prediction.
Prediction from simulation for hit rate contribution from different background particles at layer-2 of superchamber.