CERN Accelerating science

Measured and fitted hyperfine spectrum of $^{42}$Sc measured on the 363.1\,nm line, together with the separate contributions from the ground and isomeric states (offset for clarity).
(a) Experimental nuclear charge radii in the calcium region~\cite{Angeli2013, kosz2020charge}. The full black squares show the charge radii of the Sc isotopes obtained using the newly calculated $F$ and $M$. For comparison, the literature values from~\cite{Avgoulea2010} are presented by empty squares. The new results for $^{42}$Sc are shown in red squares. The systematic uncertainties due to the atomic parameters are not shown. (b) The comparison of the measured charge radii to IMSRG calculations using two different interactions. The shaded area indicates the systematic uncertainty arising from the atomic parameters. (c) Measured and calculated changes of the mean-square charge radii of $^{42g,42m}$Sc, $^{44g,44m}$Sc and $^{45g,45m}$Sc.
Experimental isomer shifts of the $T=0$ and $T=1$ states in $N=Z$ isotopes of K, Sc and Mn together with the theoretical values calculated with the IMSRG method. The error bars are smaller than the markers.
Changes in mean-square charge radius of self-conjugate nuclei from $^{36}$Ar to $^{50}$Mn, relative to $^{40}$Ca. In each case, absolute values of $\langle r^2\rangle$ for reference isotopes~\cite{Angeli2013} are added to isotope shifts accordingly~\cite{Bissell2014,Avgoulea2010,Angeli2013}. The shaded area corresponds to the systematic error due to the uncertainty of the atomic parameters.\newline