CERN Accelerating science

Schematic layout of the H8 beam line detectors. The distances of the beam line components and of the Secondary Target from the Scanning Table (on which was placed the TB calorimeter) setup are shown.
Schematic layout of the H8 beam line detectors. The distances of the beam line components and of the Secondary Target from the Scanning Table (on which was placed the TB calorimeter) setup are shown.
Schematic view of the TileCal modules as stacked on the scanning table at the H8 beam line. The names of the super-drawers and the direction and the interaction point of the particle beams in the detector are shown.
Schematic view of the TileCal modules as stacked on the scanning table at the H8 beam line. The names of the super-drawers and the direction and the interaction point of the particle beams in the detector are shown.
Mechanical structure of a TileCal module, showing the slots in the steel for scintillating tiles and the method of light collection by wavelength-shifting fibres to PMs. The holes for radioactive source tubes that traverse the module perpendicularly to the iron plates and scintillating tiles are also shown.
Mechanical structure of a TileCal module, showing the slots in the steel for scintillating tiles and the method of light collection by wavelength-shifting fibres to PMs. The holes for radioactive source tubes that traverse the module perpendicularly to the iron plates and scintillating tiles are also shown.
Cell structure in half long-barrel (a) and extended-barrel (b) modules of the calorimeter. Solid lines show the cell boundaries formed by grouping optical fibers from the tiles for read out by separate photomultipliers. Also shown are dashed lines of fixed pseudo-rapidity $\eta$~\cite{PERF-2007-01}.
Cell structure in half long-barrel (a) and extended-barrel (b) modules of the calorimeter. Solid lines show the cell boundaries formed by grouping optical fibers from the tiles for read out by separate photomultipliers. Also shown are dashed lines of fixed pseudo-rapidity $\eta$~\cite{PERF-2007-01}.
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: Distributions of $C_\text{tot}$ obtained using experimental electron-enriched beams of particles with an energy equal to 20 GeV (a), and simulated electrons with $E_\text{beam}$ equal to 18 GeV (b) and 30 GeV (c). Fit Gaussian functions obtained using the method of the least squares are superimposed in red on the distributions.
: Distributions of $C_\text{tot}$ obtained using experimental electron-enriched beams of particles with an energy equal to 20 GeV (a), and simulated electrons with $E_\text{beam}$ equal to 18 GeV (b) and 30 GeV (c). Fit Gaussian functions obtained using the method of the least squares are superimposed in red on the distributions.
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: Distributions of the reconstructed energy $E^\text{raw}$ obtained analyzing pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) data with $E_\text{beam}$ = 16 GeV. The blue dotted histograms represent the experimental data. Only statistical uncertainties are shown. The dashed curves in red correspond to the fit of a Gaussian function to the experimental data in a region ±2$\sigma$ around the peak value. The black histograms correspond to the predictions of the MC simulation.
: Distributions of the reconstructed energy $E^\text{raw}$ obtained analyzing pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) data with $E_\text{beam}$ = 16 GeV. The blue dotted histograms represent the experimental data. Only statistical uncertainties are shown. The dashed curves in red correspond to the fit of a Gaussian function to the experimental data in a region ±2$\sigma$ around the peak value. The black histograms correspond to the predictions of the MC simulation.
: Distributions of the reconstructed energy $E^\text{raw}$ obtained analyzing pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) data with $E_\text{beam}$ = 18 GeV. The blue dotted histograms represent the experimental data. Only statistical uncertainties are shown. The dashed curves in red correspond to the fit of a Gaussian function to the experimental data in a region ±2$\sigma$ around the peak value. The black histograms correspond to the predictions of the MC simulation.
: Distributions of the reconstructed energy $E^\text{raw}$ obtained analyzing pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) data with $E_\text{beam}$ = 18 GeV. The blue dotted histograms represent the experimental data. Only statistical uncertainties are shown. The dashed curves in red correspond to the fit of a Gaussian function to the experimental data in a region ±2$\sigma$ around the peak value. The black histograms correspond to the predictions of the MC simulation.
: Distributions of the reconstructed energy $E^\text{raw}$ obtained analyzing pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) data with $E_\text{beam}$ = 20 GeV. The blue dotted histograms represent the experimental data. Only statistical uncertainties are shown. The dashed curves in red correspond to the fit of a Gaussian function to the experimental data in a region ±2$\sigma$ around the peak value. The black histograms correspond to the predictions of the MC simulation.
: Distributions of the reconstructed energy $E^\text{raw}$ obtained analyzing pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) data with $E_\text{beam}$ = 20 GeV. The blue dotted histograms represent the experimental data. Only statistical uncertainties are shown. The dashed curves in red correspond to the fit of a Gaussian function to the experimental data in a region ±2$\sigma$ around the peak value. The black histograms correspond to the predictions of the MC simulation.
: Distributions of the reconstructed energy $E^\text{raw}$ obtained analyzing pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) data with $E_\text{beam}$ = 30 GeV. The blue dotted histograms represent the experimental data. Only statistical uncertainties are shown. The dashed curves in red correspond to the fit of a Gaussian function to the experimental data in a region ±2$\sigma$ around the peak value. The black histograms correspond to the predictions of the MC simulation.
: Distributions of the reconstructed energy $E^\text{raw}$ obtained analyzing pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) data with $E_\text{beam}$ = 30 GeV. The blue dotted histograms represent the experimental data. Only statistical uncertainties are shown. The dashed curves in red correspond to the fit of a Gaussian function to the experimental data in a region ±2$\sigma$ around the peak value. The black histograms correspond to the predictions of the MC simulation.
: Energy response normalized to incident beam energy, $R^{\langle E^\text{raw} \rangle}$, measured (blue dots) and predicted by MC simulation (black circles) as a function of beam energy obtained in the case of pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) beams. The experimental uncertainties include statistical and systematic effects combined in quadrature. Only statistical uncertainties affect simulated results. The red dashed (black dotted) curves are fits of the Eq.~(\ref{eq:parametrization_results}) to the experimental (simulated) data points. In case of experimental determinations the dashed blue strips display the correlated systematic uncertainties. In the bottom of the histograms are shown the fractional differences $\Delta E^{\langle \text{raw} \rangle}$ defined in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Delta_E^raw}). The uncertainties include statistical and systematic effects combined in quadrature.
: Energy response normalized to incident beam energy, $R^{\langle E^\text{raw} \rangle}$, measured (blue dots) and predicted by MC simulation (black circles) as a function of beam energy obtained in the case of pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) beams. The experimental uncertainties include statistical and systematic effects combined in quadrature. Only statistical uncertainties affect simulated results. The red dashed (black dotted) curves are fits of the Eq.~(\ref{eq:parametrization_results}) to the experimental (simulated) data points. In case of experimental determinations the dashed blue strips display the correlated systematic uncertainties. In the bottom of the histograms are shown the fractional differences $\Delta E^{\langle \text{raw} \rangle}$ defined in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Delta_E^raw}). The uncertainties include statistical and systematic effects combined in quadrature.
: Energy resolution normalized to incident beam energy, $R^{\sigma^\text{raw}}$, measured (blue dots) and predicted by MC simulation (black circles) as a function of 1⁄$\sqrt{E_\text{beam}}$ obtained in the case of pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) beams. The experimental uncertainties include statistical and systematic effects combined in quadrature. Only statistical uncertainties affect simulated results. The red dashed (black dotted) curves are fits of the Eq.~(\ref{eq:fractional_resolution}) to the experimental (simulated) data points. In case of experimental determinations the dashed blue strips display the correlated systematic uncertainties. In the bottom of the histograms are shown the fractional differences $\Delta\sigma^\text{raw}$ defined in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Delta_sigma^raw}). The uncertainty includes statistical and systematic effects combined in quadrature.
: Energy resolution normalized to incident beam energy, $R^{\sigma^\text{raw}}$, measured (blue dots) and predicted by MC simulation (black circles) as a function of 1⁄$\sqrt{E_\text{beam}}$ obtained in the case of pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) beams. The experimental uncertainties include statistical and systematic effects combined in quadrature. Only statistical uncertainties affect simulated results. The red dashed (black dotted) curves are fits of the Eq.~(\ref{eq:fractional_resolution}) to the experimental (simulated) data points. In case of experimental determinations the dashed blue strips display the correlated systematic uncertainties. In the bottom of the histograms are shown the fractional differences $\Delta\sigma^\text{raw}$ defined in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Delta_sigma^raw}). The uncertainty includes statistical and systematic effects combined in quadrature.