| : Energy response normalized to incident beam energy, $R^{\langle E^\text{raw} \rangle}$, measured (blue dots) and predicted by MC simulation (black circles) as a function of beam energy obtained in the case of pion (a), kaon (b) and proton (c) beams. The experimental uncertainties include statistical and systematic effects combined in quadrature. Only statistical uncertainties affect simulated results. The red dashed (black dotted) curves are fits of the Eq.~(\ref{eq:parametrization_results}) to the experimental (simulated) data points. In case of experimental determinations the dashed blue strips display the correlated systematic uncertainties. In the bottom of the histograms are shown the fractional differences $\Delta E^{\langle \text{raw} \rangle}$ defined in Eq.~(\ref{eq:Delta_E^raw}). The uncertainties include statistical and systematic effects combined in quadrature. |