CHEP 2021: Preface to the Proceedings (p. 1) |
by Biscarat, Catherine |
Deep Learning strategies for ProtoDUNE raw data denoising (p. 2) |
by Rossi, Marco |
Artificial Neural Networks on FPGAs for Real-Time Energy Reconstruction of the ATLAS LAr Calorimeters (p. 19) |
by Aad, Georges |
Software Training in HEP (p. 22) |
by Malik, Sudhir |
LHC Computing – the First 3 Decades (p. 1001) |
by Sheirs, Jamie |
The Challenges of Open Source Software Alternatives (p. 1003) |
by Chionis-Koufakos, Aristofanis |
Using CMS Open Data in research – challenges and directions (p. 1004) |
by Lassila-Perini, Kati |
The Phoenix event display framework (p. 1007) |
by Moyse, Edward |
A proposal for Open Access data and tools multi-user deployment using ATLAS Open Data for Education (p. 1008) |
by Sanchez Pineda, Arturos |
Evolution of ATLAS analysis workflows and tools for the HL-LHC era (p. 2002) |
by Cameron, David |
The fight against COVID-19: Running Folding@Home simulations on ATLAS resources (p. 2003) |
by Forti, Alessandra |
The evolution of the CMS monitoring infrastructure (p. 2004) |
by Ariza-Porras, Christian |
Seamless integration of commercial Clouds with ATLAS Distributed Computing (p. 2005) |
by Barreiro Megino, Fernando |
The ATLAS Data Carousel Project Status (p. 2006) |
by Borodin, Mikhail |
An intelligent Data Delivery Service for and beyond the ATLAS experiment (p. 2007) |
by Guan, Wen |
Updates on usage of the Czech national HPC center (p. 2008) |
by Svatos, Michal |
Exploring the self-service model to visualize the results of the ATLAS Machine Learning analysis jobs in BigPanDA with Openshift OKD3 (p. 2009) |
by Stan, Ioan-Mihail |
Anomaly detection in the CERN cloud infrastructure (p. 2011) |
by Giordano, Domenico |
Archival, anonymization and presentation of HTCondor logs with GlideinMonitor (p. 2012) |
by Mambelli, Marco |
Methods of Data Popularity Evaluation in the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC (p. 2013) |
by Grigoryeva, Maria |
The new (and improved!) CERN Single-Sign-On (p. 2015) |
by Ahmad, Adeel |
Containerization in ATLAS Software Development and Data Production (p. 2017) |
by Ozturk, Nurcan |
CERN AFS phaseout: status & plans (p. 2019) |
by Iven, Jan |
Exploitation of network-segregated CPU resources in CMS (p. 2020) |
by Acosta-Silva, C |
LHC Data Storage: Preparing for the Challenges of Run-3 (p. 2023) |
by Arsuaga-Rios, Maria |
Samba and CERNBox: Providing online access to Windows-based users at CERN (p. 2024) |
by Lo Presti, Giuseppe |
CloudBank for Europe (p. 2025) |
by Devouassoux, Marion |
Fine-grained data caching approaches to speedup a distributed RDataFrame analysis (p. 2027) |
by Padulano, Vincenzo Eduardo |
WLCG Token Usage and Discovery (p. 2028) |
by Bockelman, Brian |
The Cherenkov Telescope Array production system proto-type for large-scale data processing and simulations (p. 2029) |
by Arrabito, Luisa |
Experience with Rucio in the wider HEP community (p. 2030) |
by Barisits, Martin |
Prototype of the Russian Scientific Data Lake (p. 2031) |
by Alekseev, Aleksandr |
CernVM-FS powered container hub (p. 2033) |
by Bocchi, Enrico |
Preparing for HL-LHC: Increasing the LHCb software publication rate to CVMFS by an order of magnitude (p. 2034) |
by Bocchi, Enrico |
Analysis of data integrity and storage quality of a distributed storage system (p. 2035) |
by Negru, Adrian Eduard |
CERN Tape Archive: a distributed, reliable and scalable scheduling system (p. 2037) |
by Cano, Eric |
Enabling interoperable data and application services in a federated ScienceMesh (p. 2041) |
by Arora, Ishank |
Exploitation of HPC Resources for data intensive sciences (p. 2042) |
by Girone, Maria |
ARCHIVER - Data archiving and preservation for research environments (p. 2044) |
by Devouassoux, Marion |
NOTED: a framework to optimise network traffic via the analysis of data from File Transfer Services (p. 2049) |
by Waczyńska, Joanna |
Convolutional LSTM models to estimate network traffic (p. 2050) |
by Waczynska, Joanna |
The first disk-based custodial storage for the ALICE experiment (p. 2051) |
by Un Ahn, Sang |
Reaching new peaks for the future of the CMS HTCondor Global Pool (p. 2055) |
by Perez-Calero Yzquierdo, Antonio Maria |
ESCAPE Data Lake - Next-generation management of cross-discipline Exabyte-scale scientific data (p. 2056) |
by Di Maria, Riccardo |
FTS3: Data Movement Service in containers deployed in OKD (p. 2058) |
by Lobato Pardavila, Lorena |
The ESCAPE Data Lake: The machinery behind testing, monitoring and supporting a unified federated storage infrastructure of the exabyte-scale (p. 2060) |
by Dona, Rizart |
Exploring the virtues of XRootD5: Declarative API (p. 2063) |
by Simon, Michal |
Building a Kubernetes infrastructure for CERN’s Content Management Systems (p. 2064) |
by Samaras-Tsakiris, Konstantinos |
Exploring Object Stores for High-Energy Physics Data Storage (p. 2066) |
by López-Gómez, Javier |
Training and Serving ML workloads with Kubeflow at CERN (p. 2067) |
by Golubovic, Dejan |
Distributed statistical inference with pyhf enabled through funcX (p. 2070) |
by Feickert, Matthew |
Addressing a billion-entries multi-petabyte distributed file system backup problem with cback: from files to objects (p. 2071) |
by Cameselle, Roberto Valverde |
Laurelin: Java-native ROOT I/O for Apache Spark (p. 2072) |
by Melo, Andrew |
Accelerating GAN training using highly parallel hardware on public cloud (p. 2073) |
by Cardoso, Renato |
Columnar data analysis with ATLAS analysis formats (p. 3001) |
by Hartmann, Nikolai |
Studies of GEANT4 performance for different ATLAS detector geometries and code compilation methods (p. 3005) |
by Marcon, Caterina |
ATLAS in-file metadata and multi-threaded processing (p. 3006) |
by Berghaus, Frank |
The GeoModel tool suite for detector description (p. 3007) |
by Bandieramonte, Marilena |
A Portable Implementation of RANLUX++ (p. 3008) |
by Hahnfeld, Jonas |
Validation of Physics Models of Geant4 Versions 10.4.p03, 10.6.p02 and 10.7.p01 using Data from the CMS Experiment (p. 3010) |
by Banerjee, Sunanda |
The Fast Simulation Chain in the ATLAS experiment (p. 3012) |
by Javurkova, Martina |
A novel reconstruction framework for an imaging calorimeter for HL-LHC (p. 3013) |
by Cristella, Leonardo |
CAD support and new developments in DD4hep (p. 3015) |
by Frank, Markus |
CMS Full Simulation for Run 3 (p. 3016) |
by Ivanchenko, Vladimir |
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Tools for Data Quality Assessment (p. 3018) |
by Scheirich, Daniel |
Deep neural network techniques in the calibration of space-charge distortion fluctuations for the ALICE TPC (p. 3020) |
by Gorbunov, Sergey |
MadFlow: towards the automation of Monte Carlo simulation on GPU for particle physics processes (p. 3022) |
by Carrazza, Stefano |
Key4hep: Status and Plans (p. 3025) |
by Fernandez Declara, Placido |
EDM4hep and podio - The event data model of the Key4hep project and its implementation (p. 3026) |
by Gaede, Frank |
Porting CMS Heterogeneous Pixel Reconstruction to Kokkos (p. 3034) |
by Kortelainen, Matti J. |
Performance of CUDA Unified Memory in CMS Heterogeneous Pixel Reconstruction (p. 3035) |
by Kortelainen, Matti J |
C++ Code Generation for Fast Inference of Deep Learning Models in ROOT/TMVA (p. 3040) |
by An, Sitong |
Physics Validation of Novel Convolutional 2D Architectures for Speeding Up High Energy Physics Simulations (p. 3042) |
by Rehm, Florian |
Monitoring reconstruction software in LHCb (p. 3044) |
by Hou, Ying-Rui |
Design and engineering of a simplified workflow execution for the MG5aMC event generator on GPUs and vector CPUs (p. 3045) |
by Valassi, Andrea |
Improvements to ATLAS Inner Detector Track reconstruction for LHC Run-3 (p. 3048) |
by Schillaci, Zachary Michael |
Dual-Parameterized Quantum Circuit GAN Model in High Energy Physics (p. 3050) |
by Chang, Su Yeon |
Machine learning for surface prediction in ACTS (p. 3053) |
by Huth, Benjamin |
Building HEP Software with Spack: Experiences from Pilot Builds for Key4hep and Outlook for LCG Releases (p. 3056) |
by Volkl, Valentin |
ALICE Run 3 Analysis Framework (p. 3063) |
by Alkin, Anton |
Analysis of heavy-flavour particles in ALICE with the O$^2$ analysis framework (p. 3064) |
by Kučera, Vít |
Embedding of particle tracking data using hybrid quantum-classical neural networks (p. 3065) |
by Rieger, Carla |
Recent Improvements to the ATLAS Offline Data Quality Monitoring System (p. 3066) |
by Bordulev, Iurii |
Higgs analysis with quantum classifiers (p. 3070) |
by Belis, Vasileios |
Multi-particle reconstruction in the High Granularity Calorimeter using object condensation and graph neural networks (p. 3072) |
by Qasim, Shah Rukh |
Ethernet evaluation in data distribution traffic for the LHCb filtering farm at CERN (p. 4001) |
by Krawczyk, Rafał Dominik |
Understanding ATLAS infrastructure behaviour with an Expert System (p. 4003) |
by Asensi, Ignacio |
Development of the Safety System for the Inner Tracking System of the ALICE Experiment (p. 4004) |
by Blanc, Pascal Herve |
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN (p. 4006) |
by Paramonov, Alexander |
Software migration of the CMS ECAL Detector Control System during the CERN Large Hadron Collider Long Shutdown II (p. 4007) |
by Jimenez Estupinan, Raul |
A Deep Learning approach to LHCb Calorimeter reconstruction using a Cellular Automaton (p. 4008) |
by Valls Canudas, Núria |
Evolution of the energy efficiency of LHCb’s real-time processing (p. 4009) |
by Aaij, Roel |
Evaluation of a high-performance storage buffer with 3D XPoint devices for the DUNE data acquisition system (p. 4013) |
by Abed Abud, Adam |
Design of a Resilient, High-Throughput, Persistent Storage System for the ATLAS Phase-II DAQ System (p. 4014) |
by Abud, Adam Abed |
Integration and Commissioning of the Software-based Readout System for ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger in Run 3 (p. 4015) |
by Sugizaki, Kaito |
A real-time FPGA-based cluster finding algorithm for LHCb silicon pixel detector (p. 4016) |
by Bassi, Giovanni |
Heterogeneous techniques for rescaling energy deposits in the CMS Phase-2 endcap calorimeter (p. 4017) |
by Alves, Bruno |
The Controls and Configuration Software of the ATLAS Data Acquisition System: evolution towards LHC Run 3 (p. 4019) |
by Kazarov, Andrei |
ALICE Central Trigger System for LHC Run 3 (p. 4022) |
by Kvapil, Jakub |
The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Data Acquisition (p. 4023) |
by Badaro, Gilbert |
An automated tool to facilitate consistent test-driven development of trigger selections for LHCb’s Run 3 (p. 4024) |
by Hunter, Ross |
Proximeter CERN’s detecting device for personnel (p. 4025) |
by Merscher, Christoph |
Usage of GPUs in ALICE Online and Offline processing during LHC Run 3 (p. 4026) |
by Rohr, David |
Jet Single Shot Detection (p. 4027) |
by Pol, Adrian Alan |
Free-running data acquisition system for the AMBER experiment (p. 4028) |
by Zemko, Martin |
End-to-End Jet Classification of Boosted Top Quarks with CMS Open Data (p. 4030) |
by Andrews, Michael |
Improvements to ATLAS Inner Detector Track reconstruction for LHC Run-3 |
by Schillaci, Zachary Michael |
Design of a Resilient, High-Throughput, Persistent Storage System for the ATLAS Phase-II DAQ System |
by Abed Abud, Adam |
AI for measuring energy deposits in the ATLAS LAr calorimeter in real time |
by Calvet, Thomas Philippe |
Monitoring reconstruction software in LHCb |
by Hou, Yingrui |
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN |
by ATLAS TDAQ Collaboration |
Preparing distributed computing operations for HL-LHC era with Operational Intelligence |
by Di Girolamo, Alessandro |
Studies of GEANT4 performance for different ATLAS detector geometries and code compilation methods |
by Marcon, Caterina |
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Tools for Data Quality Assessment |
by Scheirich, Daniel |
Experience with Rucio in the wider HEP community |
by Barisits, Martin |
A proposal for Open Access data and tools multi-user deployment using ATLAS Open Data for Education |
by Sanchez Pineda, Arturos |
The fight against COVID-19: Running Folding@Home simulations on ATLAS resources |
by South, David |
ATLAS in-file metadata and multi-threaded processing |
by Berghaus, Frank |
Seamless integration of commercial Clouds with ATLAS Distributed Computing |
by Elmsheuser, Johannes |
The ATLAS Data Carousel Project |
by Barisits, Martin |
Evolution of the energy efficiency of LHCb’s real-time processing |
by Schwemmer, Rainer |
An automated tool to facilitate consistent test- driven development of trigger selections for LHCb’s Run 3 |
by Hunter, Ross John |
Methods of Data Popularity Evaluation in the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC |
by Grigoryeva, Maria |
Deep Learning approach to Cellular Automaton CALO reconstruction in LHCb |
by Valls Canudas, Nuria |
A real-time FPGA-based cluster finding algorithm for LHCb silicon pixel detector |
by Bassi, Giovanni |
Data distribution over Ethernet for the LHCb filtering farm |
by Krawczyk, Rafal Dominik |
Controls and Configuration
Evolution from Run 2 to Run 3 |
by Kazarov, Andrei |
Integration and Commissioning of the Software-based Readout System for ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger in Run 3 |
by Sugizaki, Kaito |
Evolution of ATLAS analysis workflows and tools for the HL-LHC era |
by Forti, Alessandra |
The Fast Simulation Chain in the ATLAS experiment |
by Javurkova, Martina |
Columnar data analysis with ATLAS analysis formats |
by Hartmann, Nikolai |
An intelligent Data Delivery Service for and beyond the ATLAS Experiment |
by Guan, Wen |
Preparing distributed computing operations for HL-LHC era with Operational Intelligence |
by Di Girolamo, Alessandro |
The GeoModel Tool Suite for Detector Description |
by Bandieramonte, Marilena |
Updates on usage of the Czech national HPC center |
by Svatos, Michal |
AtlFast3: The Next Generation of Fast Simulation in ATLAS |
by Hasib, Ahmed |
Containerization in ATLAS Software Development and Data Production |
by Ozturk, Nurcan |