CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP)
Related conference title(s) vCHEP2021
Date(s), location 17 - 21 May 2021, Online
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Biscarat, C. (ed.) ; Campana, S. (ed.) ; Hegner, B. (ed.) ; Roiser, S. (ed.) ; Rovelli, C.I. (ed.) ; Stewart, G.A. (ed.)
Imprint 2021
Note Virtual Event hosted by CERN
Subject category Computing and Computers

Contributions in Inspire: C21-05-17.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

CHEP 2021: Preface to the Proceedings (p. 1)
by Biscarat, Catherine
Deep Learning strategies for ProtoDUNE raw data denoising (p. 2)
by Rossi, Marco
Artificial Neural Networks on FPGAs for Real-Time Energy Reconstruction of the ATLAS LAr Calorimeters (p. 19)
by Aad, Georges
Software Training in HEP (p. 22)
by Malik, Sudhir
LHC Computing – the First 3 Decades (p. 1001)
by Sheirs, Jamie
The Challenges of Open Source Software Alternatives (p. 1003)
by Chionis-Koufakos, Aristofanis
Using CMS Open Data in research – challenges and directions (p. 1004)
by Lassila-Perini, Kati
The Phoenix event display framework (p. 1007)
by Moyse, Edward
A proposal for Open Access data and tools multi-user deployment using ATLAS Open Data for Education (p. 1008)
by Sanchez Pineda, Arturos
Evolution of ATLAS analysis workflows and tools for the HL-LHC era (p. 2002)
by Cameron, David
The fight against COVID-19: Running Folding@Home simulations on ATLAS resources (p. 2003)
by Forti, Alessandra
The evolution of the CMS monitoring infrastructure (p. 2004)
by Ariza-Porras, Christian
Seamless integration of commercial Clouds with ATLAS Distributed Computing (p. 2005)
by Barreiro Megino, Fernando 
The ATLAS Data Carousel Project Status (p. 2006)
by Borodin, Mikhail
An intelligent Data Delivery Service for and beyond the ATLAS experiment (p. 2007)
by Guan, Wen
Updates on usage of the Czech national HPC center (p. 2008)
by Svatos, Michal
Exploring the self-service model to visualize the results of the ATLAS Machine Learning analysis jobs in BigPanDA with Openshift OKD3 (p. 2009)
by Stan, Ioan-Mihail
Anomaly detection in the CERN cloud infrastructure (p. 2011)
by Giordano, Domenico
Archival, anonymization and presentation of HTCondor logs with GlideinMonitor (p. 2012)
by Mambelli, Marco
Methods of Data Popularity Evaluation in the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC (p. 2013)
by Grigoryeva, Maria
The new (and improved!) CERN Single-Sign-On (p. 2015)
by Ahmad, Adeel
Containerization in ATLAS Software Development and Data Production (p. 2017)
by Ozturk, Nurcan
CERN AFS phaseout: status & plans (p. 2019)
by Iven, Jan
Exploitation of network-segregated CPU resources in CMS (p. 2020)
by Acosta-Silva, C
LHC Data Storage: Preparing for the Challenges of Run-3 (p. 2023)
by Arsuaga-Rios, Maria
Samba and CERNBox: Providing online access to Windows-based users at CERN (p. 2024)
by Lo Presti, Giuseppe
CloudBank for Europe (p. 2025)
by Devouassoux, Marion
Fine-grained data caching approaches to speedup a distributed RDataFrame analysis (p. 2027)
by Padulano, Vincenzo Eduardo
WLCG Token Usage and Discovery (p. 2028)
by Bockelman, Brian
The Cherenkov Telescope Array production system proto-type for large-scale data processing and simulations (p. 2029)
by Arrabito, Luisa
Experience with Rucio in the wider HEP community (p. 2030)
by Barisits, Martin
Prototype of the Russian Scientific Data Lake (p. 2031)
by Alekseev, Aleksandr
CernVM-FS powered container hub (p. 2033)
by Bocchi, Enrico
Preparing for HL-LHC: Increasing the LHCb software publication rate to CVMFS by an order of magnitude (p. 2034)
by Bocchi, Enrico
Analysis of data integrity and storage quality of a distributed storage system (p. 2035)
by Negru, Adrian Eduard
CERN Tape Archive: a distributed, reliable and scalable scheduling system (p. 2037)
by Cano, Eric
Enabling interoperable data and application services in a federated ScienceMesh (p. 2041)
by Arora, Ishank
Exploitation of HPC Resources for data intensive sciences (p. 2042)
by Girone, Maria
ARCHIVER - Data archiving and preservation for research environments (p. 2044)
by Devouassoux, Marion
NOTED: a framework to optimise network traffic via the analysis of data from File Transfer Services (p. 2049)
by Waczyńska, Joanna
Convolutional LSTM models to estimate network traffic (p. 2050)
by Waczynska, Joanna
The first disk-based custodial storage for the ALICE experiment (p. 2051)
by Un Ahn, Sang 
Reaching new peaks for the future of the CMS HTCondor Global Pool (p. 2055)
by Perez-Calero Yzquierdo, Antonio Maria
ESCAPE Data Lake - Next-generation management of cross-discipline Exabyte-scale scientific data (p. 2056)
by Di Maria, Riccardo
FTS3: Data Movement Service in containers deployed in OKD (p. 2058)
by Lobato Pardavila, Lorena
The ESCAPE Data Lake: The machinery behind testing, monitoring and supporting a unified federated storage infrastructure of the exabyte-scale (p. 2060)
by Dona, Rizart
Exploring the virtues of XRootD5: Declarative API (p. 2063)
by Simon, Michal
Building a Kubernetes infrastructure for CERN’s Content Management Systems (p. 2064)
by Samaras-Tsakiris, Konstantinos
Exploring Object Stores for High-Energy Physics Data Storage (p. 2066)
by López-Gómez, Javier
Training and Serving ML workloads with Kubeflow at CERN (p. 2067)
by Golubovic, Dejan
Distributed statistical inference with pyhf enabled through funcX (p. 2070)
by Feickert, Matthew
Addressing a billion-entries multi-petabyte distributed file system backup problem with cback: from files to objects (p. 2071)
by Cameselle, Roberto Valverde
Laurelin: Java-native ROOT I/O for Apache Spark (p. 2072)
by Melo, Andrew
Accelerating GAN training using highly parallel hardware on public cloud (p. 2073)
by Cardoso, Renato
Columnar data analysis with ATLAS analysis formats (p. 3001)
by Hartmann, Nikolai
Studies of GEANT4 performance for different ATLAS detector geometries and code compilation methods (p. 3005)
by Marcon, Caterina
ATLAS in-file metadata and multi-threaded processing (p. 3006)
by Berghaus, Frank
The GeoModel tool suite for detector description (p. 3007)
by Bandieramonte, Marilena
A Portable Implementation of RANLUX++ (p. 3008)
by Hahnfeld, Jonas
Validation of Physics Models of Geant4 Versions 10.4.p03, 10.6.p02 and 10.7.p01 using Data from the CMS Experiment (p. 3010)
by Banerjee, Sunanda
The Fast Simulation Chain in the ATLAS experiment (p. 3012)
by Javurkova, Martina
A novel reconstruction framework for an imaging calorimeter for HL-LHC (p. 3013)
by Cristella, Leonardo
CAD support and new developments in DD4hep (p. 3015)
by Frank, Markus
CMS Full Simulation for Run 3 (p. 3016)
by Ivanchenko, Vladimir
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Tools for Data Quality Assessment (p. 3018)
by Scheirich, Daniel
Deep neural network techniques in the calibration of space-charge distortion fluctuations for the ALICE TPC (p. 3020)
by Gorbunov, Sergey
MadFlow: towards the automation of Monte Carlo simulation on GPU for particle physics processes (p. 3022)
by Carrazza, Stefano
Key4hep: Status and Plans (p. 3025)
by Fernandez Declara, Placido 
EDM4hep and podio - The event data model of the Key4hep project and its implementation (p. 3026)
by Gaede, Frank
Porting CMS Heterogeneous Pixel Reconstruction to Kokkos (p. 3034)
by Kortelainen, Matti J.
Performance of CUDA Unified Memory in CMS Heterogeneous Pixel Reconstruction (p. 3035)
by Kortelainen, Matti J
C++ Code Generation for Fast Inference of Deep Learning Models in ROOT/TMVA (p. 3040)
by An, Sitong
Physics Validation of Novel Convolutional 2D Architectures for Speeding Up High Energy Physics Simulations (p. 3042)
by Rehm, Florian
Monitoring reconstruction software in LHCb (p. 3044)
by Hou, Ying-Rui
Design and engineering of a simplified workflow execution for the MG5aMC event generator on GPUs and vector CPUs (p. 3045)
by Valassi, Andrea
Improvements to ATLAS Inner Detector Track reconstruction for LHC Run-3 (p. 3048)
by Schillaci, Zachary Michael
Dual-Parameterized Quantum Circuit GAN Model in High Energy Physics (p. 3050)
by Chang, Su Yeon
Machine learning for surface prediction in ACTS (p. 3053)
by Huth, Benjamin
Building HEP Software with Spack: Experiences from Pilot Builds for Key4hep and Outlook for LCG Releases (p. 3056)
by Volkl, Valentin
ALICE Run 3 Analysis Framework (p. 3063)
by Alkin, Anton
Analysis of heavy-flavour particles in ALICE with the O$^2$ analysis framework (p. 3064)
by Kučera, Vít
Embedding of particle tracking data using hybrid quantum-classical neural networks (p. 3065)
by Rieger, Carla
Recent Improvements to the ATLAS Offline Data Quality Monitoring System (p. 3066)
by Bordulev, Iurii
Higgs analysis with quantum classifiers (p. 3070)
by Belis, Vasileios
Multi-particle reconstruction in the High Granularity Calorimeter using object condensation and graph neural networks (p. 3072)
by Qasim, Shah Rukh
Ethernet evaluation in data distribution traffic for the LHCb filtering farm at CERN (p. 4001)
by Krawczyk, Rafał Dominik
Understanding ATLAS infrastructure behaviour with an Expert System (p. 4003)
by Asensi, Ignacio
Development of the Safety System for the Inner Tracking System of the ALICE Experiment (p. 4004)
by Blanc, Pascal Herve
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN (p. 4006)
by Paramonov, Alexander
Software migration of the CMS ECAL Detector Control System during the CERN Large Hadron Collider Long Shutdown II (p. 4007)
by Jimenez Estupinan, Raul
A Deep Learning approach to LHCb Calorimeter reconstruction using a Cellular Automaton (p. 4008)
by Valls Canudas, Núria 
Evolution of the energy efficiency of LHCb’s real-time processing (p. 4009)
by Aaij, Roel
Evaluation of a high-performance storage buffer with 3D XPoint devices for the DUNE data acquisition system (p. 4013)
by Abed Abud, Adam 
Design of a Resilient, High-Throughput, Persistent Storage System for the ATLAS Phase-II DAQ System (p. 4014)
by Abud, Adam Abed
Integration and Commissioning of the Software-based Readout System for ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger in Run 3 (p. 4015)
by Sugizaki, Kaito
A real-time FPGA-based cluster finding algorithm for LHCb silicon pixel detector (p. 4016)
by Bassi, Giovanni
Heterogeneous techniques for rescaling energy deposits in the CMS Phase-2 endcap calorimeter (p. 4017)
by Alves, Bruno
The Controls and Configuration Software of the ATLAS Data Acquisition System: evolution towards LHC Run 3 (p. 4019)
by Kazarov, Andrei
ALICE Central Trigger System for LHC Run 3 (p. 4022)
by Kvapil, Jakub
The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Data Acquisition (p. 4023)
by Badaro, Gilbert
An automated tool to facilitate consistent test-driven development of trigger selections for LHCb’s Run 3 (p. 4024)
by Hunter, Ross
Proximeter CERN’s detecting device for personnel (p. 4025)
by Merscher, Christoph
Usage of GPUs in ALICE Online and Offline processing during LHC Run 3 (p. 4026)
by Rohr, David
Jet Single Shot Detection (p. 4027)
by Pol, Adrian Alan
Free-running data acquisition system for the AMBER experiment (p. 4028)
by Zemko, Martin
End-to-End Jet Classification of Boosted Top Quarks with CMS Open Data (p. 4030)
by Andrews, Michael
Improvements to ATLAS Inner Detector Track reconstruction for LHC Run-3
by Schillaci, Zachary Michael
Design of a Resilient, High-Throughput, Persistent Storage System for the ATLAS Phase-II DAQ System
by Abed Abud, Adam
AI for measuring energy deposits in the ATLAS LAr calorimeter in real time
by Calvet, Thomas Philippe
Monitoring reconstruction software in LHCb
by Hou, Yingrui
FELIX: the Detector Interface for the ATLAS Experiment at CERN
by ATLAS TDAQ Collaboration
Preparing distributed computing operations for HL-LHC era with Operational Intelligence
by Di Girolamo, Alessandro
Studies of GEANT4 performance for different ATLAS detector geometries and code compilation methods
by Marcon, Caterina
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Tools for Data Quality Assessment
by Scheirich, Daniel
Experience with Rucio in the wider HEP community
by Barisits, Martin
A proposal for Open Access data and tools multi-user deployment using ATLAS Open Data for Education
by Sanchez Pineda, Arturos
The fight against COVID-19: Running Folding@Home simulations on ATLAS resources
by South, David
ATLAS in-file metadata and multi-threaded processing
by Berghaus, Frank
Seamless integration of commercial Clouds with ATLAS Distributed Computing
by Elmsheuser, Johannes
The ATLAS Data Carousel Project
by Barisits, Martin
Evolution of the energy efficiency of LHCb’s real-time processing
by Schwemmer, Rainer
An automated tool to facilitate consistent test- driven development of trigger selections for LHCb’s Run 3
by Hunter, Ross John
Methods of Data Popularity Evaluation in the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC
by Grigoryeva, Maria
Deep Learning approach to Cellular Automaton CALO reconstruction in LHCb
by Valls Canudas, Nuria
A real-time FPGA-based cluster finding algorithm for LHCb silicon pixel detector
by Bassi, Giovanni
Data distribution over Ethernet for the LHCb filtering farm
by Krawczyk, Rafal Dominik
Controls and Configuration
Evolution from Run 2 to Run 3
by Kazarov, Andrei
Integration and Commissioning of the Software-based Readout System for ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger in Run 3
by Sugizaki, Kaito
Evolution of ATLAS analysis workflows and tools for the HL-LHC era
by Forti, Alessandra
The Fast Simulation Chain in the ATLAS experiment
by Javurkova, Martina
Columnar data analysis with ATLAS analysis formats
by Hartmann, Nikolai
An intelligent Data Delivery Service for and beyond the ATLAS Experiment
by Guan, Wen
Preparing distributed computing operations for HL-LHC era with Operational Intelligence
by Di Girolamo, Alessandro
The GeoModel Tool Suite for Detector Description
by Bandieramonte, Marilena
Updates on usage of the Czech national HPC center
by Svatos, Michal
AtlFast3: The Next Generation of Fast Simulation in ATLAS
by Hasib, Ahmed
Containerization in ATLAS Software Development and Data Production
by Ozturk, Nurcan

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