CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 7th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms
Related conference title(s) Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms
Date(s), location 6 - 11 Jun 1994, Varenna, Italy
Editor(s) Gadioli, Ettore (ed.)
Imprint Milan : Milano Univ., 1994 - 795 p.
In: Ric. Sci. Educ. Perm., Suppl. 100 (1994)
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Free keywords damping of collctive motion ; exotic nuclei ; giant resonances ; heavy-ion dynamics ; hot nuclei ; nuclear astrophysics ; nucleon clustering ; nucleon correlation in nuclei ; precompound decay ; radioactive beams
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

FKK analysis of nucleon-induced reactions (p. 155)
by Demetriou, P
Quasi-classical description of heavy ion reactions (p. 207)
by Lukyanov, V K
Alpha-particle reactions (p. 379)
by Hodgson, P E
Natural orbitals and short-range correlations in nuclei (p. 411)
by Antonov, A N
Momentum distribution of clusters in heavy ion collisions studied with AMD (p. 421)
by Horiuchi, H
Signatures of neutron halo in heavy nuclei from antiproton absorption (p. 517)
by Jastrzebski, J J
New experiments on antiproton induced fission (p. 565)
by Von Egidy, T
Non-equilibrium effects in antiproton-nucleus interactions (p. 574)
by Polster, D
Pion-nucleon interactions in relativistic heavy ion collisions : new sensitives to the nuclear equation of state(p. 632)
by Bass, S A
The $^{22}$Na($^{3}$He,d)$^{23}$Mg reaction near the threshold and stellar hydrogen burning rates (p. 754)
by Graw, G

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 Záznam vytvorený 1994-12-07, zmenený 2021-07-30