Home > Introduction to Particle Accelerators and their Limitations > Plots |
Particle accelerators and their applications. |
The Large Hadron Collider, LHC, located in the Geneva valley. |
A Cockcroft-Walton Generator used at CERN as pre-accelerator for the proton beams. The device is meanwhile replaced by the more compact and efficient Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) technique. |
Schematic view of the Wiederoe principle as fundamental concept for AC (or "RF") acceleration. |
The frequency, and so the period of the RF system, and the particle speed determine the length of the~drift tubes in the structure. |
Unilac at GSI, Darmstadt; the structure of the drift tubes and their increasing length as a function of the~particle energy is clearly visible. |
Dipole field of a storage ring and the schematic path of the particles. |
Superconducting dipole magnets of the LHC. |
Super conducting quadrupole of the LHC storage ring. |
Schematic layout of a synchrotron. |
TSR storage ring, Heidelberg, as a typical example of a separate function strong focusing storage ring. |
Coordinate system used in particle beam dynamics. The longitudinal coordinate {\it s} is moving around the~ring with the particle considered. |
Field configuration in a quadrupole magnet and the direction of the focusing and defocusing forces in both planes. |
Schematic principle of the effect of a focusing quadruole magnet. |
Schematic principle of the effect of a de-focusing quadrupole magnet. |
Calculated particle trajectory in a simple storage ring. |
Horizontal (top) and vertical (bottom) closed orbit oscillations, measured in LHC during the commissioning of the machine. |
Tune signal of a proton storage ring (HERA-p). |
Many single particle trajectories form in the end a pattern that corresponds to the beam size in the~ring. |
Ellipse in x-x' phase space. |
Schematic picture of the trajectories in a beam. Small emittance means high quality of the particle ensemble, which in turn means small amplitudes and angles of the trajectories. |
The LHC vacuum chamber with the beam screen to shield the super conducting magnet bore from synchrotron radiation. |
Schematic view of the wake fields induced due to a sudden change of the vacuum chamber geometry. |
Schematics of a moving particle $A$ colliding with a target particle $B$ at rest. |
Schematics of the collision of two colliding particle beams with equal energies. |
"Typical" event observed in a collider ring: A Higgs particle in the ATLAS detector. |
ATLAS detector at LHC: 46 m in length, overall weight 7000 t. |
The beam envelope in the neighborhood of a symmetric waist: the smaller the beta function at the~IP, the~faster the beam size is growing. |
Cross section of the Higgs for different production processes (court. CMS collaboration). |
Schematic view of the beam-beam interaction during the crossing of bunch trains. |
Beam-beam force as a function of the transverse distance of the particle to the centre of the opposing bunch. |
Calculated tune shift due to the beam-beam interaction in LHC. |
Measured horizontal orbit of the LEP electron beam. Due to synchrotron radiation losses the~particle orbit is shifted towards the inner side of the ring in each arc. |
Schematic view of a 100 $\! $ km long ring design in the Geneva region for the FCC study. |
Proposed location of the CLIC linear collider along the Jura mountain in Geneva region. |
Accelerating structure of the CLIC test facility CTF3; on the right side a electron microscope photo shows damage effects on the surface, created due to discharges in the module. |
electron beam accelerated in the wake potential of a plasma cell. Up to 4 GeV are obtained within a few cm length only \cite{pwa}. |