CERN Accelerating science

The invariant mass $M(J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-)$ for (a) the $\psi(2S)$ and (b) the $X(3872)$ selection criteria for the 4-track selection.
The invariant mass $M(J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-)$ for (a) the $\psi(2S)$ and (b) the $X(3872)$ selection criteria for the 4-track selection.
The invariant mass $M(J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-)$ for (a) the $\psi(2S)$ and (b) the $X(3872)$ selection criteria for the 5-track selection.
The invariant mass $M(J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-)$ for (a) the $\psi(2S)$ and (b) the $X(3872)$ selection criteria for the 5-track selection.
The number of events/0.0207 ps obtained using fits to the mass distributions for the $\psi(2S)$ sample in pseudo-proper time bins is shown. The tail of this distribution for the large-time region is given in the inset. The solid curve shows the result of the fit by the function described in the text. Also shown are contributions from the prompt component (dashed curve), the nonprompt component (dotted curve) and the short-lived component (dash-dotted curve) of the nonprompt production.
The number of events/0.05 ps obtained using fits to the mass distributions for the $X(3872)$ sample in pseudo-proper time bins is shown. The tail of this distribution for the large-time region is given in the inset. The curve shows the result of the fit to the function described in the text. Also shown are contributions from the prompt component (dashed curve), the nonprompt component (dotted curve) and the short-lived component (dash-dotted curve) of the nonprompt production.
The short-lived component fraction $f_{SL}$ as a function of $p_T$ for the $\psi(2S)$ states. Only statistical uncertainties are shown.
The nonprompt component $f_{NP}$ for the $\psi(2S)$ states as a function of $p_T$. Red circles correspond to this analysis, magenta boxes to the ATLAS~\cite{8tev3872} measurement, green crosses to the CMS~\cite{cms2} measurement, and blue triangles to CDF~\cite{cdffb}. The uncertainties shown are total uncertainties, except for the CDF points, for which only the statistical uncertainties are displayed. The D0 and ATLAS analyses are performed using $\psi(2S) \to J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-$ decay channel, whereas the CMS and CDF data are obtained through the $\psi(2S)\to \mu^+\mu^-$ decay.
The nonprompt component $f_{NP}$ for the $X(3872)$ states as a function of $p_T$. Red circles correspond to this analysis, magenta boxes to the ATLAS~\cite{8tev3872} measurement and green crosses to the CMS~\cite{cms} measurement. The uncertainties shown are total uncertainties.
Normalized yields of the $\psi(2S)\pi$ (black open circles) and the $X(3872)\pi$ (blue triangles) as functions of isolation for the prompt sample.
The ratio of the unnormalized $X(3872)$ and $\psi(2S)$ yields as a function of isolation for the prompt sample.
$M(J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-)$ distribution and fits for the $\psi(2S)$ signal for the prompt subsample for (a) all selected events and (b) events passing the $T(\psi(2S)\pi)<11.8$~MeV cut.
$M(J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-)$ distribution and fits for the $\psi(2S)$ signal for the prompt subsample for (a) all selected events and (b) events passing the $T(\psi(2S)\pi)<11.8$~MeV cut.
$M(J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-)$ distribution and fits for the $X(3872)$ signal for the prompt subsample for (a) all selected events and (b) events passing the $T(X\pi)<11.8$~MeV cut.
$M(J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-)$ distribution and fits for the $X(3872)$ signal for the prompt subsample for (a) all selected events and (b) events passing the $T(X\pi)<11.8$~MeV cut.
Transverse momentum distribution of pion candidates for events above and below the $T(X\pi)=11.8$~MeV cutoff for prompt events in the mass range $3.75
The transverse momentum distribution for the background-subtracted mass-fitted $X(3872)$ (filled circles) and two fits representing the high and low ranges of the acceptance for the accompanying pion. The dashed curves represent $A(p_T) \cdot dN/dp_T(X(3872))$. The overall acceptance for the accompanying pion is the ratio of the areas below $A \cdot dN/p_T(X)$ curves and the corresponding $dN/dp_T(X)$ fits. For comparison, the scaled $p_T$ distribution of the inclusive $J/\psi \pi \pi$ for $3.85
The fitted $X(3872)$ signal yield as a function of $T(X\pi)$ for nonprompt events with (a) the soft-pion production region and (b) extended range. The first five points in (b) are the same as those in (a). The blue line shows the distribution of the $T(X\pi)$ for all nonprompt $X(3872)$ candidates scaled down to the total $X(3872)$ yield.
The fitted $X(3872)$ signal yield as a function of $T(X\pi)$ for nonprompt events with (a) the soft-pion production region and (b) extended range. The first five points in (b) are the same as those in (a). The blue line shows the distribution of the $T(X\pi)$ for all nonprompt $X(3872)$ candidates scaled down to the total $X(3872)$ yield.