CERN Accelerating science

002717427 001__ 2717427
002717427 003__ SzGeCERN
002717427 005__ 20220817145950.0
002717427 0247_ $$2DOI$$9Elsevier$$a10.1016/j.nima.2018.08.038
002717427 0248_ $$$$pcerncds:CERN$$qINSPIRE:HEP$$qForCDS
002717427 035__ $$9$$$$d2020-05-06T13:20:26Z$$h2020-05-07T04:00:13Z$$mmarcxml
002717427 035__ $$9Inspire$$a1727133
002717427 041__ $$aeng
002717427 100__ $$aVenturi, N$$iINSPIRE-00225111$$uCERN
002717427 245__ $$9Elsevier$$aResults on radiation tolerance of diamond detectors
002717427 260__ $$c2019
002717427 300__ $$a4 p
002717427 520__ $$9Elsevier$$aIn sight of the luminosity increase of the High Luminosity-LHC (HL-LHC), most experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are planning upgrades for their innermost layers in the next 5–10 years. These upgrades will require more radiation tolerant technologies than exist today. Usage of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamond as detector material is one of the potentially interesting technologies for the upgrade. CVD diamond has been used extensively in the beam condition monitors of BaBar, Belle, CDF and all LHC experiments. Measurements of the radiation tolerance of the highest quality polycrystalline CVD material for a range of proton energies, pions and neutrons obtained with this material are presented. In addition, new results on the evolution of various semiconductor parameters as a function of the dose rate are described.
002717427 542__ $$3publication$$f© 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.$$g2018
002717427 542__ $$3publication
002717427 65017 $$2SzGeCERN$$aDetectors and Experimental Techniques
002717427 6531_ $$9author$$aDiamond detectors
002717427 6531_ $$9author$$aSolid state detectors
002717427 6531_ $$9author$$aRadiation hard detectors
002717427 690C_ $$aCERN
002717427 693__ $$pCERN HL-LHC
002717427 700__ $$aAlexopoulos, A$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aArtuso, M$$uSyracuse U.
002717427 700__ $$aBachmair, F$$uETH, Zurich (main)
002717427 700__ $$aBäni, L$$uETH, Zurich (main)
002717427 700__ $$aBartosik, M$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aBeacham, J$$uOhio State U.
002717427 700__ $$aBeck, H$$uGottingen U.
002717427 700__ $$aBellini, V$$uCatania U.$$uINFN, Catania
002717427 700__ $$aBelyaev, V$$uMoscow Phys. Eng. Inst.
002717427 700__ $$aBentele, B$$uColorado U.
002717427 700__ $$aBergonzo, P$$uLIST, Saclay
002717427 700__ $$aBes, A$$uLPSC, Grenoble
002717427 700__ $$aBrom, J -M$$uStrasbourg, IPHC
002717427 700__ $$aBruzzi, M$$uFlorence U.$$uINFN, Florence
002717427 700__ $$aChiodini, G$$uINFN, Lecce
002717427 700__ $$aChren, D$$uCTU, Prague
002717427 700__ $$aCindro, V$$uStefan Inst., Ljubljana
002717427 700__ $$aClaus, G$$uStrasbourg, IPHC
002717427 700__ $$aCollot, J$$uLPSC, Grenoble
002717427 700__ $$aCumalat, J$$uColorado U.
002717427 700__ $$aDabrowski, A$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aD'Alessandro, R$$uFlorence U.$$uINFN, Florence
002717427 700__ $$aDauvergne, D$$uLPSC, Grenoble
002717427 700__ $$ade Boer, W$$uKIT, Karlsruhe, EKP
002717427 700__ $$aDorfer, C$$uETH, Zurich (main)
002717427 700__ $$aDunser, M$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aEremin, V$$uIoffe Phys. Tech. Inst.
002717427 700__ $$aForcolin, G$$uManchester U.
002717427 700__ $$aForneris, J$$uTurin U.
002717427 700__ $$aGallin-Martel, L$$uLPSC, Grenoble
002717427 700__ $$aGallin-Martel, M -L$$uLPSC, Grenoble
002717427 700__ $$aGan, K K$$uOhio State U.
002717427 700__ $$aGastal, M$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aGiroletti, C$$uBristol U.
002717427 700__ $$aGoffe, M$$uStrasbourg, IPHC
002717427 700__ $$aGoldstein, J$$uBristol U.
002717427 700__ $$aGolubev, A$$uMoscow, ITEP
002717427 700__ $$aGorišek, A$$uStefan Inst., Ljubljana
002717427 700__ $$aGrigoriev, E$$uMoscow, ITEP
002717427 700__ $$aGrosse-Knetter, J$$uGottingen U.
002717427 700__ $$aGrummer, A$$uNew Mexico U.
002717427 700__ $$aGui, B$$uOhio State U.
002717427 700__ $$aGuthoff, M$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aHaughton, I$$uManchester U.
002717427 700__ $$aHiti, B$$uStefan Inst., Ljubljana
002717427 700__ $$aHits, D$$uETH, Zurich (main)
002717427 700__ $$aHoeferkamp, M$$uNew Mexico U.
002717427 700__ $$aHofmann, T$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aHosslet, J$$uStrasbourg, IPHC
002717427 700__ $$aHostachy, J -Y$$uLPSC, Grenoble
002717427 700__ $$aHügging, F$$uBonn U.
002717427 700__ $$aHutton, C$$uBristol U.
002717427 700__ $$aJanssen, J$$uBonn U.
002717427 700__ $$aKagan, H$$uOhio State U.
002717427 700__ $$aKanxheri, K$$uINFN, Perugia
002717427 700__ $$aKasieczka, G$$uETH, Zurich (main)
002717427 700__ $$aKass, R$$uOhio State U.
002717427 700__ $$aKassel, F$$uKIT, Karlsruhe, EKP
002717427 700__ $$aKis, M$$uDarmstadt, GSI
002717427 700__ $$aKramberger, G$$uStefan Inst., Ljubljana
002717427 700__ $$aKuleshov, S$$uMoscow, ITEP
002717427 700__ $$aLacoste, A$$uLPSC, Grenoble
002717427 700__ $$aLagomarsino, S$$uFlorence U.$$uINFN, Florence
002717427 700__ $$aLo Giudice, A$$uTurin U.
002717427 700__ $$aLukosi, E$$uTennessee U.
002717427 700__ $$aMaazouzi, C$$uStrasbourg, IPHC
002717427 700__ $$aMandic, I$$uStefan Inst., Ljubljana
002717427 700__ $$aMathieu, C$$uStrasbourg, IPHC
002717427 700__ $$aMenichelli, M$$uINFN, Perugia
002717427 700__ $$aMikuž, M$$uStefan Inst., Ljubljana
002717427 700__ $$aMorozzi, A$$uINFN, Perugia
002717427 700__ $$aMoss, J$$uCal State, Sacramento
002717427 700__ $$aMountain, R$$uSyracuse U.
002717427 700__ $$aMurphy, S$$uManchester U.
002717427 700__ $$aMuškinja, M$$uStefan Inst., Ljubljana
002717427 700__ $$aOh, A$$uManchester U.
002717427 700__ $$aOlivero, P$$uTurin U.
002717427 700__ $$aPasseri, D$$uINFN, Perugia
002717427 700__ $$aPernegger, H$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aPerrino, R$$uINFN, Lecce
002717427 700__ $$aPicollo, F$$uTurin U.
002717427 700__ $$aPomorski, M$$uLIST, Saclay
002717427 700__ $$aPotenza, R$$uCatania U.$$uINFN, Catania
002717427 700__ $$aQuadt, A$$uGottingen U.
002717427 700__ $$aRe, A$$uTurin U.
002717427 700__ $$aReichmann, M$$uETH, Zurich (main)
002717427 700__ $$aRiley, G$$uTennessee U.
002717427 700__ $$aRoe, S$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aSanz, D$$uETH, Zurich (main)
002717427 700__ $$aScaringella, M$$uFlorence U.$$uINFN, Florence
002717427 700__ $$aSchaefer, D$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aSchmidt, C J$$uDarmstadt, GSI
002717427 700__ $$aSmith, D S$$uOhio State U.
002717427 700__ $$aSchnetzer, S$$uRutgers U., Piscataway
002717427 700__ $$aSciortino, S$$uFlorence U.$$uINFN, Florence
002717427 700__ $$aScorzoni, A$$uINFN, Perugia
002717427 700__ $$aSeidel, S$$uNew Mexico U.
002717427 700__ $$aServoli, L$$uINFN, Perugia
002717427 700__ $$aSopko, B$$uCTU, Prague
002717427 700__ $$aSopko, V$$uCTU, Prague
002717427 700__ $$aSpagnolo, S$$uINFN, Lecce
002717427 700__ $$aSpanier, S$$uTennessee U.
002717427 700__ $$aStenson, K$$uColorado U.
002717427 700__ $$aStone, R$$uRutgers U., Piscataway
002717427 700__ $$aSutera, C$$uCatania U.$$uINFN, Catania
002717427 700__ $$aTaylor, A$$uNew Mexico U.
002717427 700__ $$aTannenwald, B$$uOhio State U.
002717427 700__ $$aTraeger, M$$uDarmstadt, GSI
002717427 700__ $$aTromson, D$$uLIST, Saclay
002717427 700__ $$aTrischuk, W$$uToronto U.
002717427 700__ $$aTuve, C$$uCatania U.$$uINFN, Catania
002717427 700__ $$aVelthuis, J$$uBristol U.
002717427 700__ $$aVittone, E$$uTurin U.
002717427 700__ $$aWagner, S$$uColorado U.
002717427 700__ $$aWallny, R$$uETH, Zurich (main)
002717427 700__ $$aWang, J C$$uSyracuse U.
002717427 700__ $$aWeingarten, J$$uGottingen U.
002717427 700__ $$aWeiss, C$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aWengler, T$$uCERN
002717427 700__ $$aWermes, N$$uBonn U.
002717427 700__ $$aYamouni, M$$uLPSC, Grenoble
002717427 700__ $$aZavrtanik, M$$uStefan Inst., Ljubljana
002717427 773__ $$c241-244$$pNucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A$$v924$$wC17-12-10.2$$y2019
002717427 960__ $$a13
002717427 962__ $$b2294902$$k241-244$$nokinawa20171210
002717427 980__ $$aARTICLE
002717427 980__ $$aConferencePaper