CERN Accelerating science

Title The NEBULAS project : a study of ATM-based event building for future high rate experiments

Christiansen, J ; Dufey, J P ; Letheren, M F ; Mandjavidze, I D ; Marchioro, A ; Paillard, C ; Agehed, K ; Eide, A ; Hultberg, S ; Lazrak, T ; Lindblad, T ; Lindsey, C S ; Minerskjöld, M ; Tenhunen, H ; Gustafsson, L ; Pauwels, B ; Peiti, G ; De Prycker, M ; Benard, M

Publication 1994
In: 4th Nordic LHC Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 8 - 10 Jun 1994
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment RD31

 Запись создана 1994-10-27, последняя модификация 2018-02-09