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Report number CERN-ACC-SLIDES-2019-0001
Title Beam Instabilities in Circular Particle Accelerators
Author(s) Metral, Elias (CERN)
Publication 2019
Imprint 06 Jun 2019
Number of pages 165
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Keywords Bunched-beam coherent instabilities ; Longitudinal transverse ; Chromaticity ; Impedance ; Low-intensity ; High-intensity ; Transverse damper
Abstract The theory of impedance-induced bunched-beam coherent instabilities is reviewed following Laclare's formalism, adding the effect of an electronic damper in the transverse plane. Both single-bunch and coupled-bunch instabilities are discussed, both low-intensity and high-intensity regimes are analyzed, both longitudinal and transverse planes are studied, and both short-bunch and long-bunch regimes are considered. Two similar approaches for coherent instabilities using the linearised Vlasov equation (and Garnier-Laclare’s formalism) are presented, leading to two “new” Vlasov solvers: for transverse instabilities, GALACTIC (GArnier-LAclare Coherent Transverse Instabilities Code) and for longitudinal instabilities, GALACLIC (GArnier-LAclare Coherent Longitudinal Instabilities Code). Observables and mitigation measures are also examined.
Submitted by [email protected]

 Record created 2019-06-21, last modified 2021-07-27

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