CERN Accelerating science

Distributions of the undetected mass M2X for the signal (top) and background (bottom) reference samples, which are selected as described in Sect.~??? in the extended kinematic range Q2>1(GeV/c)2, y>0.05 and |tTOF|>0.08(GeV/c)2. Here, the quantities y and tTOF denote the fractional energy loss of the muon and the squared four-momentum transfer to the recoil proton as measured by the target TOF system, respectively. Simulated data are also shown (see text). Note that events with the topology of exclusive π0 production were removed from the LEPTO sample. Error bars denote statistical uncertainties.
Distribution of the invariant mass Mγγ of the two-photon system. Otherwise as in figure~???.
Distributions of the undetected mass M2X for the signal (top) and background (bottom) reference samples, which are selected as described in Sect.~??? in the extended kinematic range Q2>1(GeV/c)2, y>0.05 and |tTOF|>0.08(GeV/c)2. Here, the quantities y and tTOF denote the fractional energy loss of the muon and the squared four-momentum transfer to the recoil proton as measured by the target TOF system, respectively. Simulated data are also shown (see text). Note that events with the topology of exclusive π0 production were removed from the LEPTO sample. Error bars denote statistical uncertainties.
Measured and simulated distribution of the difference between predicted and reconstructed transverse momentum, ΔpT, of the recoil proton for the kinematic region described in the text. The vertical lines indicate the constraints applied for the selection of events. The quantity pT is defined in the laboratory system. Error bars denote statistical uncertainties.
Average value of the differential virtual-photon proton cross section \diσ\di|t| as a function of |t| (top) and \di2σ\di|t|\diϕ as a function of ϕ (bottom). For the top panel the data was integrated over ϕ, while for the bottom panel it was integrated over |t|. The result of an integration over ϕ and |t| is shown in the right-most part of the top panel. Inner error bars indicate the statistical uncertainty, outer error bars the quadratic sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties. The data is compared with two predictions of the GK model~\cite{GK2011,GKprivate}. Radiative corrections are not applied but an estimate is included in the systematic uncertainties.
Average value of the differential virtual-photon proton cross section \diσ\di|t| as a function of |t| (top) and \di2σ\di|t|\diϕ as a function of ϕ (bottom). For the top panel the data was integrated over ϕ, while for the bottom panel it was integrated over |t|. The result of an integration over ϕ and |t| is shown in the right-most part of the top panel. Inner error bars indicate the statistical uncertainty, outer error bars the quadratic sum of statistical and systematic uncertainties. The data is compared with two predictions of the GK model~\cite{GK2011,GKprivate}. Radiative corrections are not applied but an estimate is included in the systematic uncertainties.
Definition of ϕ, the azimuthal angle between the lepton-scattering and π0-production planes.