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Report number INS-1039
Title High resolution study of $^{24}$Mg(p,d)$^{23}$Mg for the Ne-E problem
Author(s) Kubono, S ; Yun, C C ; Boyd, R N ; Buchmann, L R ; Fuchi, Y ; Hosaka, M ; Ikeda, N ; Jiang, C L ; Katayama, I ; Kawashima, H ; Miyatake, H ; Niizeki, T ; Nomura, T ; Odawara, A ; Ohura, M ; Ohnuma, H ; Orihara, H ; Rolfs, C ; Shimoda, T ; Tajima, Y ; Tanaka, M H ; Toyokawa, H
Publication 1994
Imprint Jul 1994
Number of pages 6
Published in: Z. Phys. A
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Záznam vytvorený 1994-08-03, zmenený 2015-05-21

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