| This thesis describes the analysis of data collected by the COMPASS experiment at CERN in 2007 and 2011, using a muon beam with 160 GeV/c and 200 GeV/c momenta, respectively, with the purpose of studying the process of inelastic scattering of longitudinally polarised muons off longitudinally polarised protons. A solid state target of ammonia was used in both years as a source of protons. The events studied in this work belong to the phase-space region of low values of the Bjorken scaling variable x and low values of the exchanged photon virtuality Q2, that probe the nucleon at high densities of quarks and gluons and offer an opportunity to test theoretical models that make the connection from the photo-production regime, {\it i.e.} Q2→0~(GeV/c)2, to the DIS regime, {\it i.e.} Q2≳1 (GeV/c)2. Using a large sample of about 700 million events in the non-perturbative region, the virtual photon-nucleon spin asymmetry Ap1 and the spin-dependent structure function gp1 have been extracted as functions of the Bjorken scaling variable x and of the energy of the virtual photon ν, and as functions of pairs of variables (x,Q2), (ν,Q2), (x,ν) and (Q2,x). The last grid differs from the first one in the numbers of bins chosen per variable. The following kinematic region was investigated: 4×10−5<x<4×10−2, 0.001~(GeV/c)2<Q2<1~(GeV/c)2 and 14~GeV~<ν<194~GeV. The details of the extraction are given in this thesis. The sample is 150 times larger than the similar low x, low Q2 sample from the previous experiment Spin Muon Collaboration (SMC), that took data in the 1990's at CERN, which allowed the measurement in COMPASS, for the first time, of small but significantly positive spin asymmetries Ap1 at very low x. The results were confronted with models, in particular the Regge model and phe\-no\-me\-no\-lo\-gi\-cal models that describe gp1 in the low Q2 region as a linear combination of a (generalised) vector meson dominance ((G)VMD) term and a partonic term, with reasonable agreement between data and model predictions. As a complement to this data analysis, the COMPASS Detector Control System, which is a full and exclusive responsibility of the LIP group participating in the COMPASS Collaboration, of which the author is a member, is presented and some of its implementations are detailed. |