Accueil > CMS Collection > CMS Preprints > First Level Track Jet Trigger for Displaced Jets at High Luminosity LHC |
CMS Physics Analysis Summaries | |
Report number | CMS-PAS-FTR-18-018 |
Title | First Level Track Jet Trigger for Displaced Jets at High Luminosity LHC |
Corporate author(s) | CMS Collaboration |
Collaboration | CMS Collaboration |
Subject category | Particle Physics - Experiment |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LHC ; CMS |
Abstract | The CMS detector for the planned high luminosity LHC run will have a new first level (L1) hardware track trigger. The impact of the L1 track trigger is explored based on the potential increase of CMS sensitivity to signals beyond the standard model in final states with multiple jets and low total transverse energy. In particular, there is currently an blind spot for lifetimes of order 1 cm in searches for new long-lived scalars $\phi$ in Higgs decays, i.e. $\text{H}(125)\to \phi\phi \to 4j$. It is found that a plausible extension of the L1 track trigger to tracks with an impact parameter of a few centimeters results in dramatic gains in the trigger efficiency. The gains are even larger for additional heavy SM-like Higgs bosons with the same decay. |
Other source | Inspire |
Email contact: [email protected] Fulltext in PDF Figure_008-b Figure_008-c Figure_008-a Figure_009-c Figure_009-a Figure_008-d Figure_006-a Figure_006-b Figure_006-c Figure_006-d Figure_002-a Figure_002-b Figure_007 Figure_009-d Figure_005 Figure_004 Figure_003 Figure_009-b Figure_001 Additional information for the analysis (restricted access) |