CERN Accelerating science

Antiproton production cross-section per He nucleus as a function of momentum, integrated over various \pt regions. The data points are compared with predictions from theoretical models. The uncertainties on the data points are uncorrelated only, while the shaded area indicates the correlated uncertainty.
Distributions of (left) momentum and (right) transverse momentum for (top) single electron and single positron candidates, and (bottom) background-subtracted electron candidates, compared with the distributions in simulation, which are normalized to the data yield.
Two-dimensional template fit to the PID distribution of negatively charged tracks for a particular bin (\mbox{$ 21.4 < \ptot < 24.4\gevc$}, \mbox{$1.2 < \pt < 1.5\gevc$}). The (\DLLpK, \DLLppi) distribution, shown in the top plot, is fitted to determine the relative contribution of \pim, \Km and \pbar particles, using simulation to determine the template distributions and the fraction of fake tracks (which are barely visible). In the bottom plot, the result of the fit is projected into the variable \mbox{$\arg{(\DLLpK + i\, \DLLppi)}$}.
Two-dimensional template fit to the PID distribution of negatively charged tracks for a particular bin (\mbox{$ 21.4 < \ptot < 24.4\gevc$}, \mbox{$1.2 < \pt < 1.5\gevc$}). The (\DLLpK, \DLLppi) distribution, shown in the top plot, is fitted to determine the relative contribution of \pim, \Km and \pbar particles, using simulation to determine the template distributions and the fraction of fake tracks (which are barely visible). In the bottom plot, the result of the fit is projected into the variable \mbox{$\arg{(\DLLpK + i\, \DLLppi)}$}.