CERN Accelerating science

Report number GSI-93-47 ; GSI-PRE-93-47
Title Beta-decay of $^{20}$Mg and its implications for the astrophysical rp-process
Author(s) Piechaczek, A ; Mohar, M F ; Anne, R ; Borrel, V ; Brown, B A ; Corre, J M ; Guillemaud-Müller, D ; Hue, R ; Keller, H ; Kubono, S ; Kunze, V ; Lewitowicz, M ; Magnus, P V ; Müller, A C ; Nakamura, T ; Pfützner, M ; Roeckl, E ; Rykaczewski, K ; Saint-Laurent, M G ; Schmidt-Ott, W D ; Sorlin, O
Affiliation (Ges. Schwerionenforsch. Darmstadt)
Publication 1993
Imprint Jul 1993
Number of pages 6
In: 3rd International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams, East Lansing, MI, USA, 24 - 27 May 1993, pp.495-499
Subject category Nuclear Physics

 Record creato 1993-07-01, modificato l'ultima volta il 2014-12-16