CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 5ème Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste : Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics
Related conference title(s) Results and perspectives in particle physics
Date(s), location 3 - 9 Mar 1991, La Thuile, Italy
Editor(s) Greco, Mario (ed.)
Imprint Gif-sur-Yvette : Ed. Frontières, 1991 - 645 p.
ISBN 2863321005
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords CP violation ; Higgs ; astrophysics ; electroweak interactions ; hadrons ; heavy flavours

Contributions in Inspire: C91-03-03
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Hunting for Brown Dwarfs (p. 13)
by De Rújula, Alvaro
B physics with CLEO (p. 43)
by Shipsey, I P J
Bottom physics at hadron colliders (p. 121)
by Sinervo, P K
Righthanded currents, mass generation and the violation of parity (p. 177)
by Fritzsch, Harald
New results on direct CP violation from the NA31 experiment (p. 205)
by Cundy, Donald C
$\varepsilon$'/$\varepsilon$ : review and recent progress (p. 257)
by Franzini, Paolo J
The quest for new physics in rare decays and CP violation (p. 279)
by Bigi, Ikaros I
Searches for new particles at LEP (p. 301)
by Jimack, Martin Paul
Electroweak physics at LEP (p. 321)
by Ferroni, F
A Measurement of the $Z^{0}$ Invisible Width by Single-Photon Counting (p. 355)
by Wotton, S A
New Results on $W$ and $Z^{0}$ Physics from the UA2 Collaboration (p. 367)
by Stapnes, Steinar
Experimental status of the 17-keV neutrino (p. 415)
by Hime, A
Physics possibilities at LHC/SSC (p. 469)
by Hinchliffe, Ian
Status of gluonium searches (p. 497)
by Heusch, C A
A model independent observation of the string effect with OPAL (p. 521)
by Virtue, C J
Recent QCD results from the UA2 experiment (p. 553)
by Nessi-Tedaldi, F
LHB's or Large Hadron Beautyfactories (p. 599)
by Carboni, G
Strings, quantum gravity, and the constants of nature (p. 613)
by Veneziano, Gabriele
The future strategy of CERN (p. 627)
by Rubbia, Carlo
Searches for the standard Higgs boson produced in the reaction $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow H^{0}Z$ (no pagination)
by Décamp, D

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 Zapis kreiran 1992-06-29, zadnja izmjena 2021-07-30