CERN Accelerating science

Conference title International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2018
Related conference title(s) ISGC 2018
Date(s), location 20 - 23 Mar 2018, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference contact 3F, Building for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan
email: [email protected]
fax: +886-2-2783-5434
phone: +886-2-2789-8375
Editor(s) Matyska, L (ed.) (CESNET, CZ) ; Aida, K (ed.) (National Institute of Informatics, JP) ; Blanke, T (ed.) (Kings College London, UK) ; Bonvin, A (ed.) (Utrecht University, NL) ; Chen, G (ed.) (IHEP, CAS, CN) ; Franklin, K (ed.) (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US) ; Groep, D (ed.) (NIKHEF, NL) ; Hedges, M (ed.) (Kings College London, UK) ; Hwang, S (ed.) (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, KRaboratory, US) ; Kelsey, D (ed.) (STFC-RAL, UK) ; Kranzlmüller, D (ed.) (LMU Munich, DE) ; Legre, Y (ed.) (, NL) ; Cheng-Shan Liu, F (ed.) (National Sun Yat-Sen University, TW) ; Lin, S C (ed.) (Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre, TW) ; Matsuoka, S (ed.) (Tokyo Institute of Technology, JP) ; Moloney, G (ed.) (University of Melbourne, NeCTAR, AU) ; Nakamura, T (ed.) (KEK, JP) ; Napis, S (ed.) (Universiti Putra Malaysia, MY) ; Sakamoto, H (ed.) (University of Tokyo, JP) ; Sill, A (ed.) (Texas Tech University, US) ; Suhardiman, B (ed.) (ITB, ID) ; Thain, D (ed.) (University of Notre Dame, US) ; Valassi, A (ed.) (CERN, CH) ; Voss, A (ed.) (University of St. Andrews, UK)
Imprint 2018
Note Organisers: Matyska, L: CESNET, CZ; Aida, K: National Institute of Informatics, JP; Blanke, T: Kings College London, UK; Bonvin, A: Utrecht University, NL; Chen, G: IHEP, CAS, CN; Franklin, K: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, US; Groep, D : NIKHEF, NL; Hedges, M: Kings College London, UK; Hwang, S: Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, KRaboratory, US; Kelsey, D: STFC-RAL, UK; Kranzlmüller, D: LMU Munich, DE; Legre, Y:, NL; Cheng-Shan Liu, F: National Sun Yat-Sen University, TW; Lin, S C: Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre, TW; Matsuoka, S: Tokyo Institute of Technology, JP; Moloney, G: University of Melbourne, NeCTAR, AU; Nakamura, T: KEK, JP; Napis, S: Universiti Putra Malaysia, MY; Sakamoto, H: University of Tokyo, JP; Sill, A: Texas Tech University, US; Suhardiman, B: ITB, ID; Thain, D: University of Notre Dame, US; Valassi, A: CERN, CH; Voss, A: University of St. Andrews, UK
Subject category Computing and Computers

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Data intensive ATLAS workflows in the Cloud
by Rzehorz, Gerhard Ferdinand

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 Registre creat el 2018-03-08, darrera modificació el 2018-03-10

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