CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 53rd Rencontres de Moriond on Cosmology
Related conference title(s) Moriond Cosmology 2018
Date(s), location 17 - 24 Mar 2018, La Thuile, Italy
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Editor(s) Augé, Etienne (ed.) ; Dumarchez, Jacques (ed.) ; Trân Thanh Vân, Jean (ed.)
Imprint Paris : ARISF, 2018 - 420 p.
Note Organisers: Pierre Astier (LPNHE, Paris); Jacques Dumarchez (LPNHE, Paris); Cliff Burgess (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo); Ken Ganga (APC, Paris); Yannick Giraud-Héraud (APC, Paris); Jean-Marc Le Goff (Irfu-SPP, Saclay); Henry McCracken (IAP, Paris); Olivier Perdereau (LAL, Orsay); Filippo Vernizzi (IPhT, Saclay)
ISBN 9791096879076 (print version, paperback)
Subject category General Relativity and Cosmology
Free keywords Cosmic Microwave Background ; Dark Energy ; Clusters ; SZ ; Dark Matter ; Neutrino cosmology ; inflation ; massive gravity ; spectral distorsions ; 21 cm
Copyright/License © Published by ARISF, 2018

Corresponding record in: INSPIRE
Contributions in Inspire: C18-03-17.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

CMS Higgs boson results (p. 3)
by Bluj, Michal Jacek
Higgs physics with hadronic signatures at ATLAS and CMS (p. 7)
by Schroder, Matthias
SM higgs production and decay at the LHC (p. 11)
by Spira, M
Better Higgs Measurements through Information Geometry (p. 15)
by Brehmer, Johann
Recent LHCb measurements of $CP$ violation and mixing in beauty and charm (p. 61)
by Tellarini, G
Rare decays, radiative decays and $b → s \ell^+ \ell^−$ transitions at LHCb (p. 77)
by Crocombe, A
Lepton Flavour Universality tests with B decays at LHCb (p. 89)
by Albrecht, Johannes
Explaining the Flavour Anomalies with Leptoquarks (p. 93)
by Crivellin, Andreas
Searches for exotic Higgs bosons with the ATLAS and CMS experiments (p. 135)
by Raspereza, A
Searches with boosted objects at ATLAS and CMS (p. 151)
by Moran, Dermot Anthony
The doubly charged scalar: current status and perspectives (p. 159)
by Ghezzi, Margherita
The Hyperbolic Higgs (p. 171)
by Mccullough, Matthew
Searches for new resonances in dijet and dilepton final states with the ATLAS and CMS detectors (p. 177)
by Goldouzian, Reza
Search for leptoquarks at CMS (p. 181)
by Morse, David Michael
Search for dark photons at NA62 (p. 185)
by Mirra, Marco
Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis, early universe and relic particles (p. 189)
by Arbey, A
News on the CLIC Physics Potential (p. 199)
by Watson, Nigel
Parton densities with Parton Branching method and applications (p. 207)
by Martinez, A Bermudez
Soft QCD at CMS and ATLAS (p. 229)
by Starovoitov, Pavel
Multiplicity and Underlying Event in ALICE: as measurements and as tools to probe QCD (p. 233)
by Zaccolo, Valentina
QCD with jets and photons at ATLAS and CMS (p. 237)
by Ulrich, Ralf Matthias
Computing Planar Five-Gluon Amplitudes with Numerical Unitarity (p. 241)
by Abreu, Samuel
The Higgs, the Inflaton and a Possible Connection to LHC (p. 245)
by Karčiauskas, Mindaugas
Forward-backward $b$-quark asymmetry at the Z pole: QCD uncertainties redux (p. 253)
by d'Enterria, David
First measurement of elastic, inelastic and total cross-section, determination of the $ρ$ parameter at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV by TOTEM and an evidence for odderon (p. 259)
by Kašpar, J
Measurement of jets and photons with the ALICE experiment at the LHC (p. 267)
by Leardini, L.
Measuring hydrodynamical expansion via the production of identified hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE (p. 271)
by Jacazio, Nicolò
Heavy ion measurements at ATLAS and CMS (p. 275)
by Chapon, Emilien
Bounds on dark matter annihilations from 21cm data (p. 275)
by D'Amico, Guido
Hard probes with p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions and fixed target results at LHCb (p. 279)
by Fleuret, F
Precise predictions for the angular coefficients in Z-boson production (p. 297)
by Gauld, R
Electroweak scale physics & exotic searches at LHCb (p. 303)
by Lupton, Oliver
Searches for Electroweak Signatures of Supersymmetry at ATLAS and CMS (p. 307)
by Khoo, Teng Jian
Precision measurement of the form factors of semileptonic charged kaon decays from NA48/2 (p. 315)
by Shkarovskiy, S
Theory of rare kaon decays (p. 319)
by D'Ambrosio, Giancarlo
Searches for Dark Matter Particles at the LHC (p. 327)
by Felcini, Marta
A Tale of Two Scales: Screening in Large Scale Structure (p. 343)
by Fasiello, Matteo
tt+X Production at ATLAS and CMS
by Glatzer, Julian Maximilian Volker
Soft QCD at CMS and ATLAS
by Starovoitov, Pavel
Searches for new physics with unconventional signatures at ATLAS and CMS
by Torro Pastor, Emma
Searches for dijet and diboson resonances with the ATLAS detector
by Gwilliam, Carl
Searches for dark matter at CMS and ATLAS
by Bierwagen, Katharina
Higgs cross-section measurements at ATLAS and CMS
by Duehrssen-Debling, Michael
Heavy flavour production and properties at CMS and ATLAS
by Barton, Adam Edward
Searches for Electroweak SUSY by ATLAS and CMS
by Khoo, Teng Jian
Mixing and CP violation in beauty and charm at LHCb
by Tellarini, Giulia
Rare decays, radiative decays and $b\to s\ell\ell$ transitions at LHCb
by Crocombe, Andrew Christopher
Lepton Flavour Universality tests with B decays at LHCb
by Albrecht, Johannes
Hadron spectroscopy, exotic states and heavy flavour production at LHCb
by Klaver, Suzanne
Electroweak scale physics & exotic searches at LHCb
by Lupton, Olli
Hard probes with $p$-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions and fixed target results at LHCb
by Fleuret, Frederic
Reinterpretation of searches for supersymmetry in models with variable $R$-parity-violating coupling strength and long-lived $R$-hadrons
ATLAS Higgs Results
by Tuna, Alexander Naip
Top quark production cross-section and properties at ATLAS and CMS
by Howarth, James

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