The LHC will be upgraded to the HL-LHC in the Long Shutdown 3 starting 2024. This upgrade will increase the collision rate and the overall number of colliding particles requiring high precision particle detectors which are able to cope with much higher radiation doses and numbers of particle interactions per bunch crossing. To fulfill these technical requirements the CMS detector will be upgraded in the so-called Phase-2 Upgrade. Among others the silicon tracking system will be completely replaced by a new system providing a higher acceptance, an improved granularity and the feature to include its tracking information into the level-1 trigger. The new outer-tracker will consist of so called 2S modules consisting of two strip sensors and PS modules with a macro-pixel sensor and a strip sensor. The electrical connection between the strip sensors and the front-end electronics is realized by thin aluminum wire bonds. In this thesis the process of wire bonding is introduced and its implementation in the 2S module series production is discussed. Therefor a procedure of parameter optimization is developed and applied on a 2S dummy module. Additionally, the protection of the wire bonds via glue encapsulation is presented and feasibility tests of three different encapsulant candidates are discussed.