| The FCC proton beam is designed to carry a total energy of about 8500 MJ, a factor of 20 above the LHC. In this context, the collimation system has to deal with extremely tight requirements to prevent quenches and material damage. A first layout of the betatron cleaning insertion was conceived, adapting the present LHC collimation system to the FCC lattice. A crucial ingredient to assess its performance, in particular to estimate the robustness of the protection devices and the load on the downstream elements, is represented by the simulation of the particle shower generated at the collimators, allowing detailed energy deposition estimations. This paper presents the first results of the simulation chain starting from the proton losses generated with the Sixtrack-FLUKA coupling, as currently done for the present LHC and for its upgrade. Expectations in terms of total power, peak power density and integrated dose on the different accelerator components are presented. |